World Summit

The World Summits on Rural Generalist Medicine have become the peak gathering for the international community of Rural Generalists. These have arisen as adjunct events to the WONCA World Rural Health Conferences which also provide a key platform for international discussion on rural health. Together with its key international partners, the College has been seminal in the creation and ongoing strength of these landmark events.



3rd World Summit of Rural Generalist Medicine

April 2017 in Cairns, Qld Australia. Hosted by ACRRM

The third Summit attracted some 200 people from 23 countries.  The Summit reaffirmed its commitment to the Cairns Consensus and work-shopped detailed action plans for advancing Rural Generalist Medicine - through Recognition, Research, Communications and engagement, and a common Policy Toolkit.

View Summit Report



2nd World Summit on Rural Generalist Medicine

8-9 April 2015 in Montreal, Canada.

Hosted by the Society of Rural Physicians Canada (SRFC).

The Summit agreed to build on the Cairns Consensus through collaborative development of a strategic action framework for research, policy, communications, and partnerships. The outcomes were presented at the WONCA Working Party on Rural Practice 13th WONCA World Rural Health Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia 14-18 April 2015.



1st World Summit on Rural Generalist Medicine

30 October - 2 November 2013 in Cairns, Queensland, Australia.

Hosted by ACRRM.

Two hundred delegates from 19 countries attended this event. The outcome was the Cairns Consensus Statement on Rural Generalist Medicine, which defines the concept of Rural Generalist Medicine and identifies priorities for action.

Dive deeper into rural generalism. View our RG reports and research.