Journalists wanting to speak to an ACRRM spokesperson are invited to contact Petrina Smith on 0414 820 847 or email.

The Australian College of Rural and Rural Medicine (ACRRM) congratulates the Commonwealth Government on its landmark support for caring for people with eating disorders but seeks assurance that rural communities will have access to these services.

The Government’s package of $110.7 million over four years enables patients to access Medicare subsidies for up to 60 appointments with psychologists and dietitians.

“The decision to create dedicated support through the Medical Benefits Schedule (MBS) for caring for people with eating disorders is important recognition that these services are a core part of continuing, primary care and need realistic funding if they are to be effective,” says ACRRM president Dr Ewen McPhee.

“We are also pleased to see the Government recognises these patients need continuing care, not just a few visits a year, and we look forward to further enhancements in allied health care in recognition of their role in the healthcare team.”