Journalists wanting to speak to an ACRRM spokesperson are invited to contact Petrina Smith on 0414 820 847 or email.

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) congratulates the Hon Greg Hunt MP on his reappointment as Minister for Health.

ACRRM also extends congratulations to the Hon Ken Wyatt MP, noting that in his role as Minister for Indigenous Australians he is Australia’s first Indigenous Cabinet Minister

“ACRRM has strong working relationships with Ministers Hunt and Wyatt and trusts that their commitment to rural and remote communities will not only continue, but move from conversation to action,” ACRRM President Dr Ewen McPhee says.

“It’s now time to get to the serious business of improving access to services; recognising rural medical practitioners for the contribution they make to improving health in our rural and remote populations, and addressing issues including mental wellbeing, digital health, cultural safety and respect, and infrastructure in a collaborative and coordinated way that empowers safe communities.

“Most importantly is the need for a skilled Rural Generalist workforce which can meet the health care needs of people living regional, rural and remote areas, in partnership with local communities.

“This is an opportunity to build on existing initiatives, including the commitment of funding to the National Rural Generalist Pathway, and ensure that they result in on-ground action and outcomes,” he adds.

The College looks forward to working with Ministers Hunt and Wyatt, and with all Members of Parliament, to improve services and health outcomes for rural and remote communities. 

ACRRM’s election statement addresses major areas of concern and the College will continue to work with the Commonwealth Government to design solutions that will result in better health outcomes.

To access ACRRM’s pre-election submission, please click here.