The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) will be holding elections for the position of President this month, with two candidates vying for the top spot.

Current College President, Assoc Prof Ruth Stewart said that the election signalled a high level of interest and engagement from College members, and strong support for the ethos and work of the College.

“ACRRM is fortunate to have received nominations from two high-profile candidates who are such widely known and highly respected rural generalist doctors,” she said.

“Dr Michael Beckoff and Dr Ewen McPhee both have an extensive range of skills and experience at the national, state and community level.  Both are extremely worthy candidates.”

Assoc Prof Stewart encouraged all eligible College members to vote in the upcoming election.

“ACRRM is committed to engaging with our members and this is the perfect opportunity for members to have a say in the future of the College.

“This is particularly important at this time when we are working through a number of important initiatives, including the development of a National Rural Generalist Program, and the transition to College-led GP training.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Dr Beckoff and Dr McPhee for nominating for this important role.”

All ordinary members of ACRRM are eligible to vote and will be sent correspondence on how to do so via email from an independent election company.

Read Dr Michael Beckoff’s nomination statement here.

Read Dr Ewen McPhee’s nomination statement here.