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The Minister for Health the Hon Greg Hunt, has announced a range of funding initiatives to prepare for winter. These include:  

  • Extension of temporary access to PPE and pulse oximeters for primary care from the National Medical Stockpile (NMS) - to 30 September 2022 -  Under this measure, the NMS will also procure an additional 50,000 Pulse oximeters to support GPs who are managing COVID-positive patients in the community.  For information regarding eligibility and ordering guidelines please refer to this website, noting that the measure termination dates will be updated shortly. 
  • Healthdirect national assessment, triage and connection infrastructure - to 31 December 2022 - Additional funding will support ongoing operation and extension of the healthdirect service to ensure COVID-positive people can access the support they need for safe and effective home care and to reduce unnecessary hospital presentations and avoidable home deaths.
  • Home Visits and expansion to Residential Aged Care Facilities – to 31 December 2022 - This measure and extension of funding for home visits to 31 December 2022. The new funding will enable Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to commission visits for an additional 24,500 patients in RACFs, and additional flexibility for PHNs to assist in outbreaks.
  • Community Care Pathways – to 31 December 2022 - Support to update COVID Community Care Pathways in the context of winter to ensure there are clear plans in place on the management of people with COVID (and other respiratory illnesses) through primary and community services or through hospitals. 


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The Minister for Health the Hon Greg Hunt, has announced a range of funding initiatives to prepare for winter. These include:  

  • Extension of temporary access to PPE and pulse oximeters for primary care from the National Medical Stockpile (NMS) - to 30 September 2022 -  Under this measure, the NMS will also procure an additional 50,000 Pulse oximeters to support GPs who are managing COVID-positive patients in the community.  For information regarding eligibility and ordering guidelines please refer to this website, noting that the measure termination dates will be updated shortly. 
  • Healthdirect national assessment, triage and connection infrastructure - to 31 December 2022 - Additional funding will support ongoing operation and extension of the healthdirect service to ensure COVID-positive people can access the support they need for safe and effective home care and to reduce unnecessary hospital presentations and avoidable home deaths.
  • Home Visits and expansion to Residential Aged Care Facilities – to 31 December 2022 - This measure and extension of funding for home visits to 31 December 2022. The new funding will enable Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to commission visits for an additional 24,500 patients in RACFs, and additional flexibility for PHNs to assist in outbreaks.
  • Community Care Pathways – to 31 December 2022 - Support to update COVID Community Care Pathways in the context of winter to ensure there are clear plans in place on the management of people with COVID (and other respiratory illnesses) through primary and community services or through hospitals.