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After considerable advocacy by the College, the Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) and the General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP) have been extended by the Federal Government until 31 December 2024. This successful outcome enables continued support for Rural Generalists (RGs) and rural General Practitioners (GPs) to undertake high-quality professional development in their specialist procedural areas. 

Rural Procedural Grants Program
RPGP provides financial assistance to RGs and rural GPs who deliver procedural or emergency medicine services in rural and remote areas classified as MM 3 to MM 7. The RPGP can assist with the cost of skills maintenance, up-skilling, training courses (including course costs), locum relief and travel expenses. 
The RPGP has two components: 
  • procedural medicine, which covers anaesthetics, obstetrics and surgery; and 
  • emergency medicine, which covers emergency medicine and emergency medicine mental health.  
Procedural RGs and GPs can receive up to $20,000 per financial year, and RGs and GPs providing hospital-based emergency services can receive up to $6000 per financial year. Additional funding of $6000 per financial year is available for eligible RGs and GPs providing emergency mental health services. 
To find out more about the program and to register visit our RPGP webpage.


General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program
GPPTSP provides $40,000* of Commonwealth funding for up to 10 RGs and GPs to gain a statement of satisfactory completion of Advanced Rural Skills Training in Anaesthesia or the DRANZCOG Advanced.
Visit the GPPTSP page for more information and to submit an Expression of Interest for the 2024 Application Period. 
If you have any questions about the RPGP or GPPTSP programs, please don’t hesitate to contact the ACRRM grants team on 1800 223 226 or grants@acrrm.org.au 





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After considerable advocacy by the College, the Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) and the General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP) have been extended by the Federal Government until 31 December 2024. This successful outcome enables continued support for Rural Generalists (RGs) and rural General Practitioners (GPs) to undertake high-quality professional development in their specialist procedural areas. 

Rural Procedural Grants Program
RPGP provides financial assistance to RGs and rural GPs who deliver procedural or emergency medicine services in rural and remote areas classified as MM 3 to MM 7. The RPGP can assist with the cost of skills maintenance, up-skilling, training courses (including course costs), locum relief and travel expenses. 
The RPGP has two components: 
  • procedural medicine, which covers anaesthetics, obstetrics and surgery; and 
  • emergency medicine, which covers emergency medicine and emergency medicine mental health.  
Procedural RGs and GPs can receive up to $20,000 per financial year, and RGs and GPs providing hospital-based emergency services can receive up to $6000 per financial year. Additional funding of $6000 per financial year is available for eligible RGs and GPs providing emergency mental health services. 
To find out more about the program and to register visit our RPGP webpage.


General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program
GPPTSP provides $40,000* of Commonwealth funding for up to 10 RGs and GPs to gain a statement of satisfactory completion of Advanced Rural Skills Training in Anaesthesia or the DRANZCOG Advanced.
Visit the GPPTSP page for more information and to submit an Expression of Interest for the 2024 Application Period. 
If you have any questions about the RPGP or GPPTSP programs, please don’t hesitate to contact the ACRRM grants team on 1800 223 226 or grants@acrrm.org.au