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  • SPONSORED: 12-week paid placements with Remote Area Health Corps 
    Aug 27, 2020
    The Australian Government has extended the Remote Area Health Corps (RAHC) to provide 12-week paid placements for General Practitioners in Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisations across Australia. Until recently the program covered paid placements of between 3 – 12 weeks in the Northern Territory only. The funding variation will cover the health professionals whilst on placement plus an additional two weeks where self-isolation is required.
  • MBS feedback requested
    Aug 26, 2020
    Members are strongly encouraged to provide feedback on the ‘implementation of Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Taskforce recommendations relating to the computed tomography angiography (CTA) for the investigation of pulmonary embolism’ proposal. Please send any comments to Jenny Johnson by Monday, 7 September.
  • National Cervical Screening Program – consultation on potential changes to the self-collection policy
    Aug 25, 2020
    Members are invited to contribute to the National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP) consultation on policy modifications that will give all NCSP participants a choice to screen using either a self-collected or a clinician-collected sample. Both options would be accessed through a healthcare provider. This follows a recommendation in 2018 from the Standing Committee on Screening to change the self-collection policy.
  • Consultation on draft bill to amend the Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995 and Mental Health Act 2009
    Aug 24, 2020
    The SA Department of Health and Wellbeing is inviting feedback on proposed amendments to the Consent to Medical Treatment & Palliative Care Act 1995 and the Mental Health Act 2009. These proposed amendments are very similar to those which were provided for consultation in 2017 but which were unable to be progressed at the time.
  • Invitation to participate in consultation – Australian Government’s strengthened stance against e-cigarettes containing nicotine
    Aug 24, 2020
    From January a 2021, the Australian Government will prohibit the importation of e-cigarettes containing vaporiser nicotine and nicotine-containing refills unless on prescription from a doctor1. ACRRM has been invited to provide input into communication of the proposed reforms, and educational activities to support understanding of the changes to prescribing and accessing e-cigarettes containing vaporised nicotine to GPs. If you are interested in participating on a voluntary basis, please read more for information.
  • SPONSORED: Help shape Queensland’s future health workforce, by selecting our future doctors
    Aug 19, 2020
    For nearly 20 years James Cook University (JCU) has been calling on people like yourself to assist us in selecting the future medical workforce for regional, rural and remote Australia, and that time has come again. Regional, rural and remote communities suffer from poorer health outcomes than their metropolitan counterparts, and have less access to healthcare. The need in these communities for high quality, affordable healthcare as close to home as possible, requires a broadly-skilled medical workforce that is prepared to live in and serve those communities.
  • ePrescribing rollout, a coordinated approach
    Aug 19, 2020
    Electronic prescribing is being implemented in General Practices and Community Pharmacies across Australia through a managed approach of testing and continuous improvement across a growing number of electronic prescribing Communities of Interest (COI) according to the Australian Digital Health Agency. Communication between local pharmacies and local practices is critical - to ensure both are ready to rollout electronic prescriptions. The functionality is now available in Best Practice, Medical Director and Zedmed and Members interested in getting started should contact their software vendor.
  • Independent Pathway education workshop goes virtual
    Aug 6, 2020
    This week 86 enthusiastic Independent Pathway registrars attended their week-long education workshop, which was held online for the first-time. Over the duration of the week, registrars were engaged in various sessions relevant to the Rural Generalist curriculum including acute rheumatic fever, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, Cultural safety, Communication and consultation skills, Diabetes, Mental health, Men's health, Dermatology, ENT emergencies and many more.
  • College representative to the Review of the Australian STI Management Guidelines for Use in Primary Care
    Aug 5, 2020
    ACRRM has been invited to nominate a member to the Reference Committee for this review, which will be coordinated by the Australasian Sexual Health Alliance (ASHA) together with the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). If you would like to nominate for this position, please contact Jenny Johnson as soon as possible, and before Wednesday, August 11, including a copy of a recent resume or a short outline of any relevant qualifications or experience.
  • Resources Medical Advisory Committee - Expression of Interest
    Aug 5, 2020
    Expressions of Interest (EOI) are being sought for members of the proposed Resources Medical Advisory Committee (RMAC). RMAC will provide independent, strategic medical advice to Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ) that will support the regulatory framework in place to protect the occupational health of Queensland’s resource sector workers.
  • Vale Dr Harry Nespolon
    Jul 27, 2020
    On behalf of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, we express our deepest sympathy to the family, colleagues and peers of RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon, who passed away yesterday, 26 July 2020.
  • Enrol in the new Electronic Prescriptions for Prescribers course
    Jul 22, 2020
    The Australian Digital Health Agency’s free electronic prescription eLearning course is available online and provides an introduction to electronic prescriptions to increase your awareness of how to use them within your daily workflow.
  • Senate Select Committee - Inquiry into the Australian Government’s Response to the COVID-19 pandemic
    Jul 22, 2020
    The College submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Australian Government’s Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has now been released by the Committee and is available on the College website. Based on the COVID experiences to date, ACRRM’s submission notes what has worked well, and makes a number of recommendations both for future disaster planning and management and within the broader medical policy context.
  • Communities of Excellence Program in Emerald
    Jul 9, 2020
    ACRRM is working closely with the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) and other stakeholders to keep rural communities connected with the improved integration of digital health. The Communities of Excellence Program connects healthcare providers to the national My Health Record system, along with secure messaging and telehealth for patients.
  • Supporting senior Australians during the coronavirus pandemic
    Jul 9, 2020
    Senior Australians are at greater risk of more serious illness if they catch coronavirus. As we move towards a COVIDSafe Australia, it is important for people at greater risk to take extra steps to protect themselves.
  • Maternity services during COVID-19
    Jul 8, 2020
    The Clinical Excellence Queensland Maternity team is interested in understanding you, your colleagues and consumers experiences during the coronavirus period (i.e. after 1 March 2020) by participating in a survey. The results from these surveys will help inform discussions about the future direction for maternity services and maximising the value of lessons arising from changes to service models.
  • Attention Vic Members: College representative to provide input into skin cancer strategy
    Jul 7, 2020
    Cancer Council Victoria is seeking to interview a College representative to discuss identified gaps in skin cancer prevention and detection in the health workforce with a goal to plan and deliver strategies to help fill these gaps over the coming 3 years. Specifically, these discussions will help to inform resources, training and other types of support for health professionals engaging in skin cancer prevention and early detection.
  • Recognition for inaugural National Rural Health Commissioner Professor Paul Worley
    Jul 2, 2020
    This week marks the end of Professor Paul Worley's term as the inaugural National Rural Health Commissioner. The College takes this opportunity to acknowledge and commend the work of Professor Worley's leadership and commitment to rural and remote medicine, which has been crucial to bringing a National Rural Generalist Pathway (NRGP) to life.
  • Engagement Report to inform Close the Gap National Agreement released
    Jun 30, 2020
    As a member of the Close the Gap Steering Committee, the College is pleased to support the newly released Report on Engagements with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to inform the new National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
  • NDSS Registration and Product Access Forms - Inclusion of Practice Nurse Option
    Jun 30, 2020
    The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) is implementing changes to allow Practice Nurses (enrolled and registered nurses) to complete the certifier section of relevant NDSS registration and access forms following written confirmation of the diabetes diagnosis from the General Practitioner/medical practitioner.