ACRRM well represented at NSW RDN Conference

ACRRM had a strong presence at the NSW Rural GPs conference in Manly from 29 November-1 December, including CEO Marita Cowie and several College Fellows and registrars. There was strong interest in rural generalism and the National Rural Generalist Pathway which was reflected in remarks made by the Hon Mark Coulton MP (Federal Minister for Regional Services, Decentralisation and Local Government) and the Hon Natasha MacLaren-Jones (NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Health) who announced a $3,000 scholarship for all doctors taking up a procedural skills post in 2020.

The College wishes to congratulate the incoming RDA NSW office bearers who were elected at the AGM held in conjunction with the conference: Dr Charles Evill (President); Dr Rachel Christmas (VP); Dr Ian Kamerman (Secretary) and Dr John Curnow (Treasurer).

Congratulations also goes out to well-deserving FACRRMs who were recognised for their exceptional service to their communities at the conference awards dinner, including: Dr Maxine Percival for 35 years of service to Tamworth, Moree and Maclean, Dr John Brown for 40 years of service to Mudgee and Narooma and Dr Noel Morrison for 40 years of service to Ballina and Lismore.  

More ACRRM in Action
  • CEO Marita Cowie, AGPT Transitions Manager Scott Bilby and Acting General Manager Education Services Wendy Rahtz attended the Regional Training Organisation Network (RTON) in Sydney.
  • Marita and College President Dr Ewen McPhee attended the strategic relationship forum meeting in Canberra.
  • Standards and Accreditation Manger Lynn Saul, Vocational Training Manager Sandra Johanson and Scott Bilby will travel to Canberra on Friday to attend a workshop with the Department of Health on the AGPT Policy Transition.
  • The ACRRM Board meeting and South Australia member networking event will be held in Adelaide on Friday.
  • Senior Policy and Development Officer Jenny Johnson will attend the Medicine Safety and Quality Use of Medicines Stakeholder Forum in Canberra next week.