While accredited activities you attend are reported by the education provider, we encourage you to self-report all your other professional development activities into your PD portfolio as this is a way to capture your everyday learning and reflect the real time spent on professional development.

It’s likely you are already reviewing your performance and measuring your outcomes during your everyday practice, so don’t forget to log your day-to-day clinical discussions with colleagues by selecting the ‘case-based discussion/ peer review’ option in the performance review category and adding a brief description and reflective notes.

You may include time taken for any associated readings, discussions, research and note taking as well as time taken for the activity itself and can claim as many hours as it takes for you to complete an activity.

You may also be able to claim for the same activity under more than one activity category type. For example, if your case-based discussion (performance review) with a colleague prompts you to further research and improve your treatment of a particular case, you can go on to measure the impact of your changes on patient outcomes and claim additional outcome measurement hours.

Every practitioner has different learning needs, practice demographics and interests, and learning is not always a formal activity. A self-managed PD portfolio enables you to include more casual learnings you undertake at a time that suits you.