A research article has recently been published in the Journal of Rural Health, involving collaboration between three past Presidents of ACRRM, and international researchers. The article, 'Exploring rural doctors’ early experiences of coping with the emerging COVID-19 pandemic' was lead-authored by friend of ACRRM Professor Ian Couper, with involvement from Associate Professor David Campbell, Professor Ruth Stewart and Professor Lucie Walters, and a member of the College’s research committee, Professor Jill Konkin.  

Some of the issues explored in this article continue to be high on the agenda for the College's Respectful Workplaces Committee. The Committee and the College would like to acknowledge the dedication of our members who are dealing with the ongoing pressure of responding to the pandemic and the impact of recent floods in Qld and NSW.

We recognise the associated stress that these events create for our members and for their patients and communities. Members needing support are encouraged to visit our website for a list of resources available to them, including ACRRM's Access EAP services.