The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is seeking a nomination from the College for a senior representative to join the ACSQHC Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) Project Advisory Group. 

The ETEK was published in 2009 by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department), to provide a nationally consistent training framework for triage to support emergency clinicians. To ensure relevance and continued value for Australian emergency clinicians, the Commission will review and update the ETEK. The project will take approximately 12 months, commencing in August 2022. 

Our representative should be able to provide valuable insight into the current challenges and experiences of rural and remote emergency departments across Australia. This unique perspective will enable a comprehensive update and review of the ETEK and its supplementary resources.  

More information, including the Terms of Reference, is available here

Please email as soon as possible, and no later than Thursday, 1 September, if you are interested in taking on this role. Please outline any relevant qualifications and experience to assist us in finalising our nomination. 

The College acknowledges the contribution of members who take on these important roles on its behalf.