The annual ACRRM Fellowship Program survey is an important tool for gathering feedback from registrars to help us further enhance nationwide training delivery and support.
This year’s survey was the first we have undertaken since transition to ACRRM-led training. We were thrilled with the response rate and the level of detail provided, and we thank all those for their participation.

Key findings

What we do well:

  • Facilitation of National Consistent Payments
  • Provide appropriate resources for Fellowship training
  • Clinical Practice
  • Offer consistent and available wellbeing support.

What we will do better:

  • Improve communication to and from registrars around program requirements.
  • Better understand the indirect costs registrars have that are associated with training
  • Design education and support programs that consider remote (isolation) placements
  • Improve transparency around assessment standards and processes.

Next steps
Insights from the survey are being digested by the College, Registrar Committee, Registrar Liaison officers and Board of Directors.
The findings will be considered alongside feedback from the Medical Training Survey and the soon-to-be-released Australian Council for Educational Research survey.

If you wish to provide further feedback, or have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to your training network coordinator or regional director of training. General manager education services Kyra Moss is also available at
Please also refer to the accompanying infographic.