To ensure registrars receive the best training outcomes, all ACRRM-accredited training posts have access to ongoing local support for reporting, education and assessment requirements.
ACRRM has developed a quick reference guide which outlines the requirements for training posts with an AGPT, RGTS or IP registrar.
Registrars are required to complete outside of work education days throughout their ACRRM Fellowship. To support their learning and plan their workload, please visit the Education Key Dates page.
Click below to find resources relevant to being an ACRRM training post, including handbooks, policies/standards, and proformas.
ACRRM has regional support teams based in each State/Territory around Australia to guide and provide support to our registrars, supervisors, practice managers and training posts. The Regional Training Network comprises of Regional Directors of Training, Training Network Coordinators, Training Program Advisors and more.
For more information and support, please contact your regional team.
Not yet accredited but keen to know more? Read through the many benefits, eligibility criteria and process.
ACRRM Fellowship Training Program Handbook
Bullying Harassment and Discrimination Complaints Procedure
Bullying Harassment and Discrimination Policy
CGT Remote Supervision Application Form
Position Statement Cultural Safety (AIDA)
Practice Requirements - Quick Reference
Practice Teaching Log Proforma
Supervisor and Training Post Accreditation Guide
Supervisor and Training Post Standards
Training Post Orientation proforma