About Dr Phyllis Ho

I am currently working in East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. I work half time at the Gove District Hospital and the other half at Arnhem Family Medical Centre. I will be sitting my Surgical STAMPS in October with the view of sitting my core ACRRM exams in July next year. I started my ACRRM training officially in August last year having transition from the Surgical Education and Training Program in mid 2021 after working for 18 months in a surgical fellow position at Royal Darwin Hospital. 

I first came to the Territory as a medical student and was placed in community practice in the Katherine region. This included a stint out to Borroloola which exposed me to fishing for the first time ever and what can I say.... I was reeled into the NT – hook line and sinker. 

I chose to be a RLO due to my years of experience as a registrar and that I may be able to offers some insights into navigating training life. 

I am pretty flexible in my working days for ACRRM and will aim to reply to emails within 5 working days. 

 Email: p.ho@acrrm.org.au