ACRRM is transitioning our Fellowship training program assessments to a new assessment management system – risr/assess (formerly Practique).

We’ve carried out rigorous testing, using various member focus groups, and are confident that the new system will provide a secure and seamless assessment experience for registrars, examiners, and staff across rural and remote locations.

Candidate Resource

Examiner Resource

Invigilator Resource


With the transition to ACRRM-led training, and the growth in the number of registrars undertaking assessment through the ACRRM Fellowship Training Program, we recognised the need for a system that provides advanced security and a seamless user experience.

risr/assess is specialist medical assessment software suited to registrar and examiner needs across rural and remote locations.

risr/assess is used by other medical colleges in Australia and internationally.

In 2023 the system was used for Mock StAMPS and AST StAMPS. Additional assessments will utilise the system in 2024, including the MCQ in February 2024.

We’ve carried out rigorous testing, using various member focus groups, and are confident in its use.

In addition, all candidates, examiners, and staff receive training and resources to ensure they are familiar with the system.

The system will mark MCQ assessment automatically. For StAMPS, examiners will mark on the system.  


StAMPS: In each scenario, minor dropout time will be compensated from marking time.  Major dropout might require participants to resume the impacted scenario after completing all other scenarios. 

MCQ: Unlike StAMPS, MCQ exam is downloaded as your browser cache the moment you’re logged in.  Your responses will be uploaded automatically every 30 seconds, The interrupted time won’t be compensated because the system will always attempt to upload in the next interval of 30 seconds. Please note that the exam submission in the end will require internet connection. 

To support assessment preparation candidates should watch out for instructions via email, including briefing sessions, IT testing requirements, FAQs about the exam, and demonstration exams.

You will need a PC or laptop with a web browser installed (Chrome preferred), stable internet connection and wired headset with microphone (for StAMPS). We recommend that you bring your own laptop to the exam venue as a backup device.

More detailed Venue and IT requirements can be found on our website at: Assessment Forms.

ACRRM provides a range of resources to assist registrars undertaking assessments, including policies, handbooks, guides, and reports. To learn more, visit our Assessment webpages.

For further information, including accessing study groups, please contact the assessment team at