The ACRRM Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS) program represents an elective advancement in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) record management and reporting, specifically tailored for members possessing advanced skills in procedural, mental health, or emergency practice. As an integral component of the ACRRM CPD Program, it supports reporting on behalf of members to the relevant regulatory bodies for MOPS compliance.

Participation in MOPS not only fulfils the specific requirements of this specialised program but also contributes significantly to your broader annual CPD obligations. The activities undertaken within the framework of MOPS are seamlessly integrated into the comprehensive CPD structure, ensuring a holistic approach to professional development.

Should you wish to augment or modify your MOPS requirements in alignment with your evolving clinical or professional practice, the CPD team is readily available for assistance at to discuss any adjustments or enhancements to your MOPS plan.

Your commitment to excellence and ongoing development is paramount, and ACRRM is dedicated to supporting you in achieving your CPD requirements in line with your professional aspirations.

The completion of ACRRM Accredited Clinical Skills Courses is valid for 3 years.

Annual requirements


6 hours of the following activities relevant to Anaesthesia

  • Patient survey
  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)
  • Maintain and reflect on procedural logbook


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) including Anaesthetic Emergency Response activities;

  • Management of ‘Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate'
  • Management of Anaphylaxis
  • Management of Major haemorrhage
  • Management of Acute severe behavioural disturbance
  • Management of Cardiac arrest

Suggested clinical skills courses:

  • Rural Anaesthetic Crisis Management (RACM)
  • Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2)
  • PreHospital emergency Care (PHEC)
  • Emergency Management Anaesthetic Crisis (EMAC)

Or other ACRRM accredited Anaesthetic skills focused course

  Emergency Medicine

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Emergency Medicine

  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)
  • Maintain and reflect on procedural logbook


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Emergency Medicine.

Suggested clinical skills courses:

  • Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2)
  • Rural Emergency Skills Training (REST)
  • PreHospital emergency Care (PHEC)
  • Rural Anaesthetic Crisis Management (RACM)
  • Rural Emergency Obstetric Training (REOT)

Or other ACRRM accredited Emergency skills focused course.

  Obstetrics and Gynaecology

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Obstetrics and Gynaecology

  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)
  • Maintain and reflect on procedural logbook


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6hrs each) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Suggested clinical skills courses:

  • Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2)
  • Rural Emergency Obstetric Training (REOT)
  • Rural Emergency Skills Training (REST)
  • Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training (PROMPT)

Or other ACRRM accredited Obstetrics and Gynaecology skills focused course.


6 hours of the following activities relevant to Surgery

  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)
  • Maintain and reflect on procedural logbook


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Surgery.

Suggested clinical skills courses:

  • Advanced Life Support Level 2 (ALS2)
  • Rural Emergency Skills Training (REST)
  • Emergency Management of Severe Trauma (EMST)

Or other ACRRM accredited Surgical skills focused course.

2023-25 MOPS requirements

  Focused Psychological Strategies (FPS ST) (2023-2025)

To maintain registration for Focused Psychological Strategies, GPs and/or RG’s who have completed a Focused Psychological Strategies Skills Training (FPS ST) course are required to;

Complete 6-hour Focused Psychological Strategies Continuing Professional Development (FPS CPD) course every three years.

* For more information, please visit the GPMHSC website.

  Med. Acupuncture (2023-2025)

4 hours Reviewing Performance in medical acupuncture, such as:

  • peer-group case-based discussion
  • multi source feedback
  • teaching medical students/GPs in training
  • higher education/professional certification
  • provider-led education activities that indicate this category

4 hours Measuring Outcomes in medical acupuncture, such as:

  • an individual or group audit
  • PDSA (plan, do, study, act)
  • evidence-based medicine journal club (EBMJC)
  • higher education/professional certification
  • provider-led education activities that indicate this category

4 hours Educational Activity in medical acupuncture, such as:

  • reading medical journals or web-based sources of acupuncture research articles
  • self-directed learning
  • attending lectures, conferences, and workshops in medical acupuncture
  • attending webinars, seminars, and podcasts in medical acupuncture
  • provider-led education activities that indicate this category

  Radiology (2023-2025)

24 hours of the following activities:

  • Successful completion of 3 blocks of 10 cases (30 cases) and their associated assessments in the ACRRM online 150 shades of Radiology module (12 hours)
  • Completion of 15 film reviews, supervised and signed off by a Radiologist (12 hours)
  • 2 x 6hr Formal Skills Assessment Course in radiology and/or ultrasound courses with hands-on practical training (12 hours)

Other 'Recommended' AST MOPS

Although there are presently no obligatory reporting mandates for clinicians possessing the below listed Advanced Specialized Training (AST’s), the College has presented them as a valuable reference to fortify your annual CPD Personal Development Plan.

The recommended yearly activities are designed to align with procedural skill prerequisites and are poised to assist in meeting your professional practice credentialing requirements. By integrating these activities into your CPD plan, you not only enhance your skills in alignment with your specific AST but also proactively contribute to the fulfillment of your professional practice credentialing obligations.

This strategic approach underscores the College's commitment to providing a supportive framework that facilitates your continuous professional growth and development.

  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

  • Clinical attachment in a Remote Community
  • Patient survey
  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.

Suggested courses

  • Cultural Awareness module
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Youth Friendly Consultation Skills
  • Approach to Care courses
  • Introduction to Population Health
  • Rural Sexual Health courses
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs courses
  • Rural Doctors Family and Domestic Violence Education Package

  Academic Practice (2023-2025)

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Academic Practice

  • Supervision of Registrars
  • Peer Review of Teaching
  • Published Peer Reviewed Journal Article
  • Research Project


Current enrolment in Masters or PhD Thesis development, or;

12 hours conferences focusing on training, teaching, or academic supervision.

  Adult Internal Medicine

6 hours of the following activities relevant to internal Medicine

  • Patient survey
  • Clinical audit
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Adult Internal Medicine

Suggested courses

  • Advanced Life Support 2
  • Rural Emergency Skills Training
  • Emergency Life Support
  • Advanced & Complex Medical
  • Emergencies
  • Exercise stress testing
  • Holter monitoring
  • Ultrasound
  • Endoscopy

  Mental Health

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Mental Health

  • Clinical Placement in a mental health service
  • Community-based care/placement in an addiction medicine service
  • Clinical Audit
  • Case-based Discussions


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Mental Health

Suggested Courses

  • Advanced Life Support 2
  • Mental Health Disorders Training
  • Youth Mental Health
  • Mental Health First Aid

  Mental Health Skills Training (MHST)

To continue accessing relevant MBS Item numbers, GPs who have completed a GPMHSC accredited Mental Health Skills Training* course since 1 July 2001 and are registered with Medicare, are:

  • not required to repeat this training, and are
  • not required to complete a mental health continuing professional development activity (MH CPD).

However, the GPMHSC strongly recommends that GPs undertake Mental Health Continuing Professional Development (MH CPD) to maintain their mental health skills.

* Note: MHST was previously known as Level 1 mental health skills training.


6 hours of the following activities relevant to Paediatrics

  • Clinical Attachment (paediatric acute care, community, or child psychiatry
  • Clinical Audit
  • Case Based Discussion (peer review)
  • Clinical attachment
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)

2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Paediatrics

Suggested Courses

  • Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM)
  • Pead EM
  • Child Mental Health
  • Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) course
  • Neonatal resuscitation course and
  • Child protection course

  Palliative Care

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Palliative Care

  • Clinical Attachment ideally in inpatient, outpatient, and community-based palliative care
  • Clinical Audit
  • Case Based Discussion


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Palliative Care:

Suggested courses

  • Palliative Care - A doctor's bag
  • Palliative care - choose your own journey
  • Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach

  Population Health

6 hours of the following activities relevant to population health

  • Patient survey
  • Clinical audit
  • Multi-source feedback (MSF)
  • Case-based discussion (peer review)
  • Research Paper
  • Research project


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Population Health

Suggested Courses

  • Introduction to Population Health
  • Approach to Care courses
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Youth Friendly Consultation Skills
  • Digital Health Rural Australia-Better Health, Easier to Deliver
  • Alcohol and other Drugs courses
  • Rural Doctors Family and Domestic Violence Education Package
  • Rural Sexual Health 1, 2 & 3
  • Q Fever-Early Diagnosis and Vaccination
  • Tuberculosis in Australia
  • Yellow Fever Vaccination Course

  Remote Medicine

6 hours of the following activities relevant to Remote Medicine

  • Case Based Discussion
  • Clinical Attachment in a MM 6-7 location or MM 5
  • Clinical Audit


2 Valid Clinical Skills Assessment Courses (min 6 hours each) in Remote Medicine

Suggested Courses

  • Advanced Life Support 2 (ALS2)
  • PreHospital emergency Care (PHEC)
  • Rural Emergency Skills Training (REST)
  • Rural Emergency Obstetric Training (REOT)
  • Rural Anaesthetic Crisis Management (RACM)
  • Retrieval Medicine Basic and Advanced
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs - Driving Change in the Community
  • Approach to Care
  • Introduction to Population Health
  • Effective Communications Skills
  • Digital Health Rural Australia - Better Health, Easier to Deliver
  • eHealth Module 1, 2 & 3
  • Remote Population Health
  • ATSI Health