The College administers several grant programs that can assist you to maintain and extend your qualifications. The General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP) provides $40,000* of Commonwealth funding for GP Fellows to gain anaesthetics skills. The Rural Procedural Grants Program (RPGP) provides $2,000 per day for up to 10 days per financial year for procedural GPs and up to 3 days per financial year for GPs providing hospital-based emergency services to undertake eligible training.
Grants are available for GP Fellows practising in MMM 3-7 areas to undertake Advanced Rural Skills Training in Anaesthesia.
Funding opportunities to undertake training for procedural and emergency medicine general practitioners.
Funding to establish and develop research partnerships with academic institutions.
Academic posts provide Commonwealth funding to AGPT and RGTS registrars to learn academic skills.
The new Advanced Skills Training Posts Rural Generalists and General Practitioners Program (AST Program) is an initiative of the Australian Government administered by the ACRRM to support 15 AST training posts per annum