June 2024
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) was established in 1997 to provide rural, remote and First Nations communities across Australia with “the right doctors with the right skills in the right place”. As I reflect on
the 25 years since our establishment, I believe our founding Fellows and members can be proud of their vision and the significant progress that has been accomplished. That said, there is still much more to achieve before celebrating that our rural,
remote and First nations communities enjoy the same levels of equity or access to healthcare as our city cousins.
The College has been steadfast in its belief that rural doctors need unique skill sets and a deep understanding of the impact that context, distance, relative isolation and low resource settings present for delivery of effective care. We have led the development of Rural Generalist (RG) programs nationally and internationally, and now stand on the cusp of achieving formal recognition of RG Medicine as a specialised field of practice within the specialty of general practice.
Associate Professor Dan Halliday FACRRM
Immediate Past President
To define, promote and deliver quality standards of medical practice for rural, remote and First Nations communities through a skilled and dedicated Rural Generalist profession.
Access to high-quality, continuous, comprehensive medical care that is close to home for people living in rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Promotion of social determinants of health and wellbeing for people living in rural, remote and First Nations communities.
A vibrant and thriving environment for the education and training of Rural Generalists who are driven by clinical and educational excellence, social accountability, and community-connectedness.
World-leading standards of specialist medical education and clinical care that are culturally safe and fit for purpose.
Innovative programs of excellence in training, education, continuing professional development and research to prepare RGs to support people living in rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Effective leadership, representation and advocacy that influences outcomes for rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Improve health outcomes for rural, remote and First Nations Communities.
Establish partnerships and alliances to champion standards, research, policy, education and workforce programs that will reduce disease and health inequity through increased health workforce supply and distribution.
Cultivate culturally safe practices and respectful workplaces.
Build new and innovative multidisciplinary models of patient-centred care, education and Continuing Professional Development, especially for remote Australia.
Continue our Reconciliation Action Plan and social accountability commitments and work in meaningful, connected ways with communities to ensure we understand and work together to address their health priorities and needs.
Work effectively with governments, regulators, departments, peak bodies, stakeholders and elements of the Australian health system to influence public policy and support the needs of rural and remote health workforce and services.
Deliver education and training for Rural Generalists.
Ensure excellence in ACRRM standards, specialist education and accreditation programs and services.
Develop new programs, services, or benefits to support the needs and aspirations of members; delivery of care to rural, remote, First Nations, and other communities; improve practice financial sustainability; provide training capacity and capabilities; enable high-quality patient care; and offer peer connections and assistance through career or scope of practice transitions.
Enhance awareness of the College and the benefits of Rural Generalist Medicine in Australia and internationally.
Make RG a medical career of choice to attract more doctors to choose this pathway and support rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Achieve formal recognition of RG as a specialised field of general practice, and subsequent accreditation of ACRRM training and Fellowship for RG recognition to promote this specialised field of general practice and increase awareness of the need for RG to support rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Increase awareness of ACRRM and the impact of RGs locally, nationally and internationally, by leading communities of practice, growing the body of knowledge, celebrating success and inspiring future generations.
Educate rural, remote and First nations communities, the general public, governments and RGs.
Operate a thriving, sustainable and accountable organisation that empowers and supports its people and partners to achieve our vision.
Increase the number, diversity and retention of RG registrars and Fellows, and the number of First Nations registrars and Fellows specifically to ensure there is an appropriate and ongoing level of support to rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Invest in our people, culture and partnerships to maximise their individual and collective potential for leadership and impact.
Ensure our operations, technologies and processes create a united and integrated organisation that is safe, ethical, effective and efficient.
Enhance and protect our sustainability (environmental, regulatory, social and financial) and organisational sovereignty to ensure continuity of care for patients in rural, remote and First Nations communities.
Continuously improve our strategic, governance and outcomes performance capabilities to ensure the organisation is propelled forward to achieve Our Vision.
We believe we can individually and collectively make a positive difference in the lives and wellbeing of others. We are curious, creative and constantly exploring new ways to achieve our goals. We celebrate success and share our ideas and experiences with others.
We have a deep understanding of our obligation and opportunity to deliver the best possible response to the priority health needs and challenges of our rural, remote and First Nations communities. We work with, for, and as members of, the communities we serve.
We are prepared to speak out, challenge the status quo and embrace change. We are champions, supporters, and guardians. We are comfortable with uncertainty. We humbly seek to understand our limits and to collaborate with others to ensure the best possible outcomes.
We are a friendly and welcoming Mob from across Australia and around the world, united by a shared vision. We take strength from our diversity and relationships. We listen, learn and care for each other with dignity and respect. We love to laugh and have fun, and to celebrate the joys in life and work.