Be recognised for your rural or remote medical experience

Are you a rural General Practitioner who wants to further elevate your professional standing and collective influence as a Rural Generalist? Consider the Rural Experienced Entry to Fellowship (REEF) pathway.

Benefit from enhanced professional recognition, job opportunities within the College, access to exclusive resources, and a strengthened reputation within the rural healthcare community.

REEF leads to Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM) through an Australian Medical Council (AMC) accredited pathway. REEF recognises your existing skills and experience and is designed for doctors who hold specialist registration in general practice in Australia.

Updated REEF process

ACRRM has reviewed and developed a new robust application process which recognises doctor's skills and protects the value of FACRRM.

Applicants no longer need to undertake assessments and will instead be asked to:

  • pay a one-time application fee of $499
  • demonstrate five or more years of rural practice since gaining Fellowship or specialist registration
  • provide Fellowship Certificate
  • provide two letters of recommendation from Fellows of ACRRM
  • undertake a structured interview with an experienced Fellow of ACRRM (FACRRM)

Are you eligible for REEF?

To be eligible to apply for REEF, candidates must: 

  • Hold current unconditional specialist registration (in general practice) with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA). 
  • Have a minimum five years of rural experience post specialist registration. 
  • Demonstrated extended practice relevant to the community needs. 
  • Currency and compliance with an AMC-accredited continuing professional development program.

How do you apply for REEF?

When you apply for REEF with ACRRM, you’ll be required to complete an online application form and submit your one-time fee of $499.

Ensure you have the following supporting documents ready prior to submitting your application:

  • Demonstrate five years or more of rural practice since gaining Fellowship or specialist registration (in general practice). This may include:
    • Rural experience supporting information, e.g. letter from employer(s) and/or colleagues or employment record(s).
    • Extended practice supporting information, e.g. clinical privileges letter(s) / certificate(s).
  • Provide letters of recommendation from two FACRRMs.
  • Provide Fellowship Certificate
  • Provide your current curriculum vitae.

Applicants not enrolled in the ACRRM Professional Development Program must also provide:

  • Evidence of completion of last PDP calendar year and participation in current PDP calendar year.
  • Evidence of completion of Advance Life Support (ALS) in the last three years.

ACRRM's Assessment team will assess your application form for completeness.

For support, please email

  • Step 1
    Check eligibility

Check your eligibility based on the eligibility criteria.

  • Step 2
    Submit REEF Application form

In the application form, you’ll be asked to provide a number of supporting documents. Please ensure you have these ready prior to submitting to prevent delays in processing your application. Download the REEF Pro Forma CV.

  • Step 3
    Pay application fee

You will need to create an ACRRM account if you do not already have one. Once you've created an account, login and pay your application fee.

  • Step 4
    Structured interview

If your application is deemed complete, you will be invited to attend a structured interview via videoconference.

  • Step 5

Your application will be reviewed by the Censor-in-Chief If appropriate, a recommendation to the College Board provided.

  • Step 6
    Fellowship awarded.



ApplicationTo apply for REEF, you will be required to submit a one-time application payment.$499*Upon application

*College membership is a requirement of Fellowship


To be eligible for Rural Experience Entry to Fellowship (REEF), you must hold current unconditional specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA). You should have a minimum five years of rural experience post specialist registration. To discuss further, please contact the REEF team on 1800 223 226 or at
REEF is only open to those with a specialty in general practice. The Independent Pathway is a popular way for practitioners who have vocational registration in another specialty to obtain Fellowship of ACRRM. Please speak with the REEF team on 1800 223 226 or at for more information.
There are typically no formal assessments. You will be required to provide two letters of recommendation or reference from ACRRM Fellows, and you will undertake a structured interview with an ACRRM Director of Training.