We know learning doesn't stop once you've achieved Fellowship and we recognise the importance of continuing to develop and enhance your skills. ACRRM supports Fellows to maintain your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements by providing access to face-to-face and online learning tools which are evidence based and abreast of the latest trends in rural generalism.

The ACRRM Professional Development Program is designed by Rural Generalists for Rural Generalists and includes options to maintain and extend your qualification.

We make it easy for non-Fellows to participate too. You will also have the benefit of course discounts and exclusive content. 



ACRRM Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program

Learn more about the College's CPD Program, CPD framework and activities.

Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS)

Find out the requirements for CPD members undertaking MOPS.

Grants & Subsidies

You may be eligible for Procedural Grants or the General Practitioner Procedural Training Support Program (GPPTSP).

Find accredited events

Looking to attend an event to contribute to your CPD hours? Find one here.

Education Providers

Become a provider of ACRRM accredited education.