There are a range of pathway options the College is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) to provide, which International Medical Graduates may be eligible for, to start a career in the specialty of general practice within Australia.  An outline of each is below.

Other avenues - specialty

Specialist Pathway

The Specialist pathway is an assessment pathway with a focus on rural and remote practice. It provides International Medical Graduates, with a recognised overseas general practice qualification, the opportunity to gain Fellowship with ACRRM and recognition and registration in the specialty of general practice while living and working within Australia.

Int graduate - pesci

Standard Pathway (PESCI)

The Standard pathway is for non specialist International Medical Graduates and results in limited or provisional registration. A Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interviews (PESCI) is a fitness for task assessment/interview where the panel assess skills, knowledge and experience for the position for which registration is being sought.

Pre-fellowship - pathway options

ACRRM's Independent Pathway

Once you have successfully completed your assessment through the Standard Pathway, have gained limited or provisional registration and completed 12 months practice in Australia, you may be eligible to train for a Fellowship of ACRRM (FACRRM) through our Independent Pathway.