ACRRM Committees

Members are encouraged to be involved in college activities including working groups and advisory committees.

Opportunities are advertised through the weekly College newsletter Country Watch. Committee meetings are arranged in consultation with members and generally held by teleconference or webinar.

Our committees include:

Registrar Committee

Represents the broad interests of registrar members within the internal decision-making mechanisms of the College.

Research Committee

Works to lead and develop the College research agenda; support development of a body of research; and promote a research culture within the College and membership.

Respectful Workplaces Committee

Provides advice on College operations and activities in upholding respectful workplaces.

Community Reference Group

Promotes the best possible healthcare outcomes for rural, remote and First Nations communities.

Quality and Safety Council

Sets, monitors and arbitrates College standards that define clinical excellence for the scope and quality of care provided to rural and remote patients and communities.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Members Group

The Group provides a vehicle for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members to provide mentoring and mutual support.

Assessment Committee

Monitors and guides all assessment activities for the College prevocational, Fellowship, Post-Fellowship and International Medical Graduate programs.

Board of Examiners

Oversees certification of individual candidate assessment results for ACRRM Fellowship and Post-Fellowship assessments.

Education and Training Committee

Monitors and guides training-related activities and policy consistent with the aims defined in the College curricula.

Education Council

Oversees education and training standards related to curriculum, training, assessment and certification and ensures that these align with the College mission and strategic directions.

Finance Audit and Risk Management Council

Provides guidance and assistance to the College to ensure its exercise of due care, diligence and skill in relation to managing its financial and legal affairs.

Future Generalist Committee

A representative forum for medical student and intern/resident members within the College.

IMG Assessment Committee

Oversees the College IMG assessment program and policies, ensuring that appropriate systems are in place to manage assessment responsibilities with procedural fairness and efficiency.

Professional Development Committee

Reports to the Quality and Safety Council. It is responsible for the development and ongoing administration of PDP.

Digital Health Committee

Advises on the development of ACRRM policy, positions, standards, models, and education in order to facilitate beneficial use of digital health in rural generalist practice.

Rural Generalist Working Groups

Advises on the development and endorsement of standards, policies, programs, and models of care that support quality and safety in a range of areas of rural generalist practice.

Selection Committee

Provides direction and guidance as to the professional knowledge, skills and abilities to be assessed through the College selection criteria and process, and approves progressive and final selection results.