Annual Reports

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine’s Annual Reports are an in-depth, comprehensive overview of our achievements and key metrics, to provide our members, stakeholders and other interested parties with a rundown of our company's overall performance, financial status, and strategic direction.


Annual Report

2022 - 2023

We are working in a transformative period. With ACRRM now delivering training to almost all registrars on our Fellowship program, despite their funding pathway, our utmost priority continues to be providing excellent support...

Annual Report


ACRRM started as a needed disruptor to a rural sector on its knees. Fast forward a quarter of a century ad it has emerged as an Australian Medical College like no other in the world …

Annual Report 2020-2021
Annual Report


Life as a Rural Generalist has been tough for the last 18 months, and I'm pretty sure its about to get a bit tougher. Closed borders and sudden lock downs have shut down FIFO and locum services, and many College members are in desperate need of a break.

Annual Report 2019-2020
Annual Report


It’s been a year of ‘unprecedenteds’ and I want to acknowledge the work that our members are doing and the distress that the year has continued to bring to so many of us and our communities.

Annual Report 2018-2019
Annual Report


It’s been a turbulent 12 months for rural Australia. We have shared with our communities in the trauma of droughts, floods and fires and these events have been coupled with our own struggles to maintain local health personnel and resources, particularly hospital services and birthing units.

Annual Report 2017-2018
Annual Report


The ACRRM-Commonwealth Government Compact signing, recognised our national leadership in the work to improve health services for our rural, remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It signaled the Government’s commitment to working with us to attain our key goals.

Evaluation Report

Evaluation Report Summary 2022

The Annual Evaluation reviewed the College's performance over the 12 month review period against its four key evaluation questions. In association with the College's Project Logic map these are used as measures of the College's progress toward meeting its long-term outcomes and its vision for "the right doctors, with the right skills, in the right places, providing excellent healthcare to rural people".
