
Please refer to the ACRRM Fellowship Program Funding Comparison Fact Sheet to explore the financial support available across each ACRRM pathway.

The National Consistent Payments (NCP) framework provides support payments to supervisors, practices and registrars on the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program via their Provider Digital Access (PRODA) system accounts.

Register your details for a PRODA account

ACRRM’s Flexible Funds - delivered under the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program’s National Consistent Payments Framework) - is specialised funding managed by the College to ensure Fellowship training and workforce requirements can be supported in rural and remote areas. This mechanism provides consistency, regardless of location.

ACRRM AGPT registrars, supervisors and training posts* are eligible to apply for Flexible Funds. The payments recognise the additional costs of participating and delivering ACRRM training in a rural or remote community.

Please refer to the Flexible Funds Fact Sheet for more details.

*Hospital based training posts funded by federal, or state government are excluded under this payment framework.

ACRRM administers the Flexible Funds according to the Flexible Funds Policy.
All applications must be submitted on the approved ACRRM Flexible Funds Form. Flexible Fund applications open at the beginning of each semester. Please refer to the Flexible Funds Factsheet for more information.
Registrars training on the Rural Generalist Training Scheme (RGTS) are provided training support payments and may be eligible to apply for reimbursement of relocation costs. More information is available here.


If you are training under the AGPT program in an accredited and approved placement you will be eligible to apply for Flexible Funds. Please refer to the Flexible Funds Factsheet for more information on eligibility.

Registrars are not eligible to receive Flexible Funds while on leave. To be eligible, a registrar must be in an approved active placement.

You can apply for Flexible Funds on multiple occasions within the same training year. Before applying, read the Flexible Funds policy and guidelines. For more information on your eligibility, please refer to the Flexible Funds Factsheet.

AST funding support will be available to registrars undertaking their primary AST associated with the Fellowship. Secondary ASTs completed within the Fellowship training period may not be eligible for support. For more information on your eligibility, please refer to the Flexible Funds Factsheet.

The College recognises the additional costs associated with in delivering and undertaking training in rural and remote areas. Flexible Funds are scaled across MMM regions to recognise geographical distance cost increases. Please refer to the Flexible Funds Factsheet for more information.

Flexible Funds are available to eligible registrars to subsidise the costs for mandatory training requirements and in recognition of MMM location to ensure additional costs associated with rural and remote placement and training delivery are supported.

ACRRM has determined mandatory training requirements to include education, training, formative assessment, and courses.  These are outlined in the Fellowship handbook.

Yes, you can apply for an AST payment once you have an approved AST training plan and placement. AST payments are intended to meet the cost associated with ACRRM mandatory AST requirements within your AST training terms.

Yes, registrars whose arrangements present disadvantage relative to previous training under a Regional Training Organisation (RTO), will be eligible to apply for bridging funding in 2023. This will be determined by ACRRM on a case-by-case basis and will apply until December 2023.

Yes, Flexible Funds are available to support the full scope of your ACRRM training (normally four years FTE).

The registrar will remain on the funded program but will not receive any further registrar support payments.

Registrars who do transfer to the Independent Pathway will be expected to pay training fees as determined by the College.

The registrar is eligible to receive payments until the end of their eligible training time (four years). They are no longer eligible for Flexible Funds or Relocation support after this period per the National Consistent Payments Framework.

Payments are made while the AGPT or RGTS registrar is within the 4-year training period. Any period of training time after this is not funded.

If the registrar is at an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS), payments will be made at the discretion of the College based on training and workforce need.

Registrars are paid the full AST payment plus the fractional CGT payment.

Training Posts & Supervisors

Hospital posts and their supervisors are not eligible for Flexible Funds. Please refer to the National Consistent Payments Guidelines and resources for more information.

Yes, as a Training post supporting registrars from each college, you can seek to claim the following:

  • National Consistent Payments for the registrar in training specific to the College; and
  • Flexible Funds for the registrar in training. However, these funds can only be claimed from one College.

Under certain circumstances, accredited training posts and supervisors without a current AGPT registrar may be eligible to apply for Flexible Funds. Please refer to the Flexible Funds Factsheet for more information.