Replacing the More Doctors for Rural Australia Program (MDRAP), the Pre-Fellowship Program (PFP) helps International Medical Graduates (IMGs) and non-vocationally recognised doctors gain valuable general practice experience and access Medicare.

ACRRM's PFP is tailored to rural and remote practice and provides foundation online modules, supporting doctors in their preparation to apply for ACRRM Fellowship.



To meet PFP requirements through ACRRM, eligible participants can either:

1) Successfully complete the bespoke Rural Generalist Foundation Skills suite of five online courses:

The suite is designed to prepare doctors for work in rural and remote practice locations. It takes approximately six hours to complete the full suite which comprises:

2) Successfully complete an alternative set of five of the College’s online courses tailored to meet your educational needs.

Choose from around 100 courses available on ACRRM Online Learning (including any of the RG Foundation Skills suite courses). All courses marked ‘FACRRM recommended’ will satisfy PFP requirements.

Suggestions include:

Course selections should be approved by the Rural Workforce Agency supervisor in order to be eligible for course costs reimbursement at completion.

How to access ACRRM courses

If you are a PFP participant, you can choose from two options to access ACRRM courses:

Option 1: ACRRM membership as a Future Rural Generalist

Join ACRRM as a Future Rural Generalist member and you will have access to all ACRRM online courses, including the five RG Foundation Skills courses, at a reduced fee.

Membership is $320

Option 2 : Non-member enrolment

Individual course subscription to the five RG Foundation Skills online courses.

Total cost $475

To complete Option 1:
  1. Apply for membership and enrol in the ‘’Future Rural Generalist’’ member category ($320) by contacting the membership team on 1800 223 226 or email our team
  2. Go to ACRRM Online Learning to view the full range of online course options and enrol in and complete each of the five courses chosen (they may choose to do the  RG Foundation Skills suite).  Note: Choose courses marked as ‘FACRRM recommended’
  3. Upon completion of each course download and store certificate of completion
  4. Upon completion of all 5 courses submit certificates to your Rural Workforce Agency
To complete Option 2:
  1. Go to ACRRM Online Learning and enrol in each of the five RG Foundation Skills courses. Note: To enrol for your first online course you will need to create an account and login as indicated.  When logging in to each course, you will be prompted to provide payment ($95)
  2. Upon completion of each course download and store certificate of completion 
  3. Upon completion of all 5 courses, submit certificates to your Rural Workforce Agency

Benefits of choosing ACRRM

  • Completion of FACRRM recommended courses can be credited as Recommended Prior Learning (RPL) toward meeting ACRRM Fellowship education requirements 
  • Program completion can be recognised in the ACRRM Fellowship selection process 
  • Courses can be tailored to your individual learning needs 
  • All online courses are specifically designed for rural and remote doctors 
  • If you choose the ACRRM membership option, this will also entitle you to: 
    • 12 months free access to the College’s full library of online educational resources 
    • 12 months free access to ACRRM online forums, chatgroups and webinars 
    • 12 months discounted prices for ACRRM courses, workshops, conferences and events
More information

Contact the ACRRM membership team on 1800 223 226 or email for further information