About Dr Juni Jobson

Dr Chungath Juni Jobson (Juni) completed his MBBS from India 1995 then went on to have a very diverse career.

His first three years as a doctor spent working in the niche field of leprosy (Hansen’s Disease), he underwent WHO training in dermatology and ophthalmology related to Hansen’s Disease. Then he went on to do a Fellowship in Accident and Emergency Medicine and a Master’s in general surgery at the world-renowned Christian Medical College Hospital Vellore. While working here, he was awarded a visiting Scholarship to Stanford University Medical Centre in California USA and International College of Surgeon in Chicago USA. After returning from the USA, he worked as a General Surgeon in rural India for 4 years. He calls himself “a very general surgeon” due to the shear variety of things he had to do in rural India. He has travelled extensively.

His family relocated to Australia in 2008. He worked as a registrar in Emergency Medicine/Psychiatry and Surgery at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Brisbane and then as a Senior Medical Officer in Emergency Department in various hospital in South East Queensland.

Currently, he is a dual registrar with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and Australasian College of Emergency Medicine. He has worked for Life Flight (formerly Care flight) and Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS).

His other passions are medical education, bike riding and going for long walks in the Australian bush! He is an ardent advocate for Foreign medical graduates in Australia who are often “othered “by the health system.