Board Members
About Dr Aaron Hawkins
Dr Aaron Hawkins is a FACRRM with advanced skills in mental health. He works across hospital and general practice in Deloraine, Tasmania. In addition to his clinical work, he is an ACRRM medical educator and lead examiner for mental health StAMPS.
Aaron completed his medical degree at the University of Queensland, then after a couple of junior doctor years at Logan Hospital moved down to Tasmania in search of some cooler weather. After time in Burnie and Smithton, Aaron settled in Deloraine where he now juggles general practice, the district hospital and a part-time role with the adult community mental health service.
Aaron has a solid understanding of the issues facing rural doctors across Tasmania, in the primary care, rural hospital, and education spaces. He has advocacy and governance experience as vice president of the Rural Doctors Association of Tasmania and as a representative on the Tasmanian Health Senate, and Tasmanian Rural and Remote Clinical Network.