
The right doctors, in the right places, with the right skills, providing rural and remote people with excellent health care


To be a vibrant professional home for members that delivers inspiration, collegiality, value and social accountability.


To set professional standards for practice, lifelong education, support and advocacy for specialist general practitioners and rural generalists.


ACRRM Values - Visionary

We are Visionary

We are optimists who believe we can make a positive difference for our members and to the lives and health of rural and remote people. We are innovative, imaginative and determined.

ACRRM Values - Courageous

We are Courageous

We are prepared to speak out, challenge the status quo and embrace change. We are champions, supporters and guardians.

ACRRM Values - Experts

We are Experts

We are specialists in our field. We work with skill, dedication and care. We take pride in our achievements.

ACRRM Values - Inclusive

We are Inclusive

We are an open and welcoming group of diverse individuals, unified by a common purpose. We respect, inspire and support each other.

Strategic Map

Download your strategic Map to learn how our strategic planning is mapped to our College vision and values.