Journalists wanting to speak to an ACRRM spokesperson are invited to contact Petrina Smith on 0414 820 847 or email.

South Australian GP, and Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, Dr Kate Kloza, is using International Women’s Day (8 March) to call on female doctors to consider a career as a rural GP.

Expressions of Interest for the College’s 2018 Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) program are now open, and Dr Kloza believes this pathway is ideal for women who want to enter the GP workforce.

Medical graduates interested in applying for the 2018 AGPT program can receive personalised application assistance by registering their interest here.

“The AGPT kickstarted my career as a rural doctor by placing me in the care of ACRRM. ACRRM’s training helped me specialise in remote medicine, and I think that’s what helped me get ahead,” said Dr Kloza.

“I would encourage all female doctors to consider a career in rural generalism. Just go for it! There are so many people willing to support you; not just mentors and other doctors, but also the community.”

One in four FACRRMs are female, and Dr Kloza believes rural and remote communities will only benefit if this number increases.

“I think in some ways that being a woman is an advantage for rural GPs,” said Dr Kloza.

“For so long, women in these communities have been serviced by male doctors. And some of them just aren’t willing to raise an issue with a male doctor. Women might be more willing to raise an issue with me that they’re too afraid to talk to a man about.”

When asked about International Women’s Day, Dr Kloza says she wears her ‘female doctor’ hat with pride.

“I will be celebrating International Women’s Day the same way this year that I have since high school,” said Dr Kloza.

“I’ll be thinking about all of the women who came before me, and thanking their efforts and their success in helping me achieve all that I have today.

“I’ll be working to show the next generation that women can do anything, and I’ll be celebrating intersectionality and working towards the goal of achieving gender balance for everyone.”

International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.