Journalists wanting to speak to an ACRRM spokesperson are invited to contact Petrina Smith on 0414 820 847 or email.

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has taken the first major step towards College-led training having formally signed an agreement with the Federal Government.

College President Dr Ewen McPhee says signing the agreement is a major milestone, which coincides with the Government’s pledge to fund the implementation of the National Rural Generalist Pathway.

“Now is a great time to choose Rural Generalism as a career,” Dr McPhee says.

“With the College taking responsibility for delivering rural generalist training for current and future rural doctors, we have increased opportunities to ensure the right doctors are in the right places with the right skills, providing rural and remote people with excellent health care.

“We are the home of rural generalism and have the proven track record in setting professional standards for practice, lifelong education, support and advocacy for specialist general practitioners and rural generalists.

“We already deliver training through the ACRRM Independent Pathway and this is an opportunity to align training for all future Rural Generalists.

“The College currently looks after all aspects of training for its Independent Pathway, and selection and assessment for ACRRM Australian General Practice Training registrars.

“We look forward to working with local partner organisations and Registered Training Organisations through this transition period.”