Journalists wanting to speak to an ACRRM spokesperson are invited to contact Petrina Smith on 0414 820 847 or email.

In response to last night’s ABC Four Corners program, the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) is calling for an immediate and coordinated approach to upgrading rural and regional hospital facilities.

The College also calls for appropriate clinical frameworks and protocols and improved support systems for health professionals and staff working in hospitals across rural and remote Australia.

College President Dr Ewen McPhee says the tragic cases highlighted in this Four Corners program, together with the well documented disparities in health outcomes for people living in rural and remote areas, emphasise the urgent need for further investment in rural hospitals and health infrastructure.

“We must do everything we can to ensure these incidents are minimised,” Dr McPhee stresses.

“Rural doctors make a vital contribution to the sustainability of rural communities. “They work hard to provide comprehensive and whole-of-life care, often working in more challenging circumstances than their urban counterparts.  We need to acknowledge and support the great work they do.

“As a College devoted to ensuring rural communities have access to high quality, safe health care, ACRRM is conscious of the need to ensure our Fellows are trained to world leading standards and supported.”

Dr McPhee says prioritising an upgrade of rural facilities will enable patients to receive treatment close to home.

“Although it is crucial that metropolitan hospitals prioritise rural transfer patients, an increased reliance on patient transfer is not the solution to this situation.

“While there are a number of initiatives in place, we must continue to look at ways to recruit and retain health professionals to rural practice.”

ACRRM calls on both the Federal and State governments to work together with stakeholders including ACRRM and the community, to ensure that the quality of health care is not determined by location.

“ACRRM’s vision is to the have right doctors in the right places, with the right skills, providing rural and remote people with excellent health care.

“Patients deserve the highest standard of health care no matter where they live,” Dr McPhee says.