Journalists wanting to speak to an ACRRM spokesperson are invited to contact Petrina Smith on 0414 820 847 or email.

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) welcomes today’s announcement of a new review into the distribution of local General Practice services in regional and rural areas, saying it is a critical step to improving healthcare access for communities in need. 

ACRRM President Dr Sarah Chalmers says the commitment to undertake an exceptional circumstance review for the Department of Health’s Distribution Priority Area (DPA) classification demonstrates Federal Rural Health Minister David Gillespie is rapidly working to address workforce concerns. 

“ACRRM has been calling for a review of the DPA classification for some time, and it is encouraging that Minister Gillespie has made this a priority since taking on the portfolio for regional health,” Dr Chalmers says. 

“The DPA classification has often lacked flexibility in being able to respond to the changing nature of health workforces in rural and remote communities, and this review will capture data including changes in health workforce availability, patient demographics and type of services. 

"With this information, the government will be able to implement services and programs which will address access issues and provide rural and remote communities with the healthcare they need and deserve.” 

Dr Chalmers says the College’s purpose is to have more doctors working in regions outside the urban footprint. 

 “We do this through our specialised training program, providing ongoing support to our Fellows and doctors in training, offering relevant and high-quality continuing professional development, and advocating for the needs of members and their communities. 

“We encourage and support our rural GPs and Rural Generalists to contribute to this review and apply for an assessment of their local services through their Rural Workforce Agency.” 

The College also supports an upcoming formal review of the DPA indicator and looks forward to further information as it becomes available.