Supporting improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is a key priority of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG).

In an effort to promote strategic partnerships, and mobilise collective action, RANZCOG has launched the Big Mother’s Day campaign as a springboard initiative to developing solutions and building partnerships to help Close the Gap in Indigenous Health.

While Australia is one of the safest places in the world to give birth, many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience poorer pregnancy and birth outcomes in comparison to other Australian mothers.

RANZCOG President, Professor Steve Robson, said “healthy mothers build healthy communities. This Mother’s Day we recognise that health disparities exist for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and their communities more broadly. In 2017, this isn’t good enough. Our College is committed to identifying pathways that will facilitate sustainable solutions, and the way to do this is by establishing key partnerships.”

RANZCOG and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) will be working more closely to improve access to much needed maternal care in rural and remote communities.

Fellows and Members of ACRRM serve across Australia’s highest-needs remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, delivering the right care at the right time close to home.

RANZCOG in partnership with ACRRM, delivers an advanced training qualification in obstetrics to increase the numbers of doctors with obstetrics skills in small and remote communities.

Ruth Stewart, President of ACCRM said, “ACCRM and RANZCOG are committed to the health and wellbeing of Indigenous women and children. Fellows and members of ACRRM work with specialist obstetricians and communities to provide community and hospital health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children in regional, rural and remote Australia.”

Anyone with an interest in women’s health is invited to show their support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers by adding their name to the Big Mother’s Day Card. For more information about the campaign, or how to get involved, click here.


The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) is committed to establishing a high standard of practice in obstetrics and gynaecology and women's health through training and accreditation. As the lead advocate for women's health in Australia and New Zealand, the College promotes research through the RANZCOG Foundation and continues to support philanthropic activities in the Pacific. The College supports a membership base of more than 6,000 members including O&G specialists, sub-specialists and Specialist International Medical Graduates.

About ACRRM:

The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine is accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for setting professional medical standards for training, assessment, certification and continuing professional development in the specialty of general practice. Our Vision: Better health for rural and remote people through access to skilled rural doctors; Our Mission: To provide leadership, training and support for rural generalist doctors that promote effective systems of care for their communities.