Changes to the availability of codeine containing medicines come into effect today (1 February 2018).

The Rural Doctors Association of Australia (RDAA), Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), CRANA Plus and the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA) have collaborated to develop resources to prepare rural medical practitioners for the prescribing requirements for low dose codeine.

President of the Rural Doctors Association, Dr Adam Coltzau, said that while the up-scheduling of codeine has been well publicised, some patients will remain surprised when they can no longer buy their preferred pain medication over the counter.

“I have no doubt that starting today there will be disgruntled people who were either unaware of the coming change or who did not make plans to change their medication,” Dr Coltzau said.

“Everyone should be aware that they may consult with their pharmacist regarding alternative medications available over the counter, or make an appointment to see their doctor or other health care provider regarding alternative medications or therapies that are available to them.

“And of course for those patients whose doctor recommends codeine-based products, these remain available to them by prescription.

“The up-scheduling of codeine has provided a positive opportunity for both patients and doctors to increase their knowledge of the safer and more effective pain relief medications and treatments, review their condition and re-assess their approach to management of these conditions,” Dr Coltzau said.

President of ACRRM, Associate Professor Ruth Stewart, says that patients should start a conversation with their GP about their pain problems to find a treatment that works for them.

“There’s no clinical evidence to suggest that over-the-counter codeine products are more effective analgesics than similar medicines without codeine,” A/Prof Stewart said.

“Talking to your GP about your pain is the best way to address it, as they’re equipped to suggest a pain management strategy based on your symptoms.

“Medication alone is often not the most effective way of treating many conditions, and a multidisciplinary pain management plan will help get the best results.

“In rural and remote areas, where people may have to travel to access their health service to review the management of their condition, it is important for patients to schedule a visit with their GP or other health care provider, or take advantage of the Government’s new Pain MedCheck program that will be rolled out across community pharmacies for a one-on-one consultation with your pharmacist”.

RDAA, in consultation with Pain Australia, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and the Consumer Health Forum of Australia, has developed a range of resources to support all rural health practitioners and their patients to understand the changes and what this will mean for them. Visit for more information.

Consumer resources such as are also available to help patients through the transition.