This NAIDOC week, ACRRM pays special tribute to its Indigenous women doctors working at the healthcare front line, and helping to Close the Gap one patient at a time.

In keeping with this year’s NAIDOC theme, “Because of her we can”  the College celebrates the work of these women and their contributions as skilled medical care givers and as role models to their communities of what is possible.

“You can’t be what you can’t see,” said ACRRM President Associate Professor Ruth Stewart.

“That’s why it’s important the College encourages more Indigenous men and women into our training programs; to be the example to others who are considering a career in medicine.

“In ACRRM’s core values, we seek to promote the health of Indigenous people and their communities. Our training programs provide support and leadership opportunities to Indigenous students, registrars, GPs and other health professionals.

“It’s pleasing to see Indigenous Fellows and registrars move through ACRRM programs and training, and then go on to become leaders and improve health outcomes in their community.

"Because of her we can is about recognising and celebrating the achievements of indigenous women whose voices and passion have paved the way for current generations and future generations.

“Women like Donna Ah Chee, CEO of the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress and Rural Medicine Australia 2018 keynote speaker. We are very excited to have Donna, an influential member of the Aboriginal health community speaking at RMA18. She is a wonderful example of the strength and abilities of women in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and what can be achieved in these communities when your work holds cultural respects at its heart.”

Our College is proud to include among its membership, Indigenous women as Fellows, registrars, junior doctors, and aspiring medical students. It is our privilege to continue to support and provide a nurturing professional home for these women in their career journeys.