The Board, Fellows, Registrars, Members and staff of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine send their thoughts and prayers to New Zealand at this shocking and saddening event visited upon a loving and generous people.

As President of ACRRM I extend my deepest sorrow to those affected by the acts of terror inflicted upon them, their loved ones and the community of Christchurch. We live for our families, we celebrate our children, their achievements and their lives. The senseless and callous acts visited upon the New Zealand citizens can only be condemned. We must stand united against hate crime, for there is no excuse that could ever be used in justification.

Our college understands the sanctity of life and the immeasurable loss that those affected must feel. We will mourn with you for the passing of innocent people, the husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, parents, friends and children. We offer our love, our support and our assistance should that be needed.

We cannot share your pain, your trauma or your tears but we will stand beside you in this troubled time. Our thoughts go to you and are with you, and our hearts are with those health professionals caring for you for we know the trauma that they must inevitably suffer.

Friday the 15th of March 2019 will stand as a day of infamy and we must never forget that the taking of human life is the most heinous of crimes. ACRRM calls upon our political leaders to stand united in the prevention of these acts, in the support of our people wherever they live and embrace the rights of all Australians and New Zealanders to pursue their religion and their culture as a part of the rich tapestry that have founded our Nations on.

Dr. Ewen McPhee