Dr John Urie from Bairnsdale, Victoria, is a recipient of an Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) 2022 Honorary Fellowship Award for providing a significant contribution to the field of rural generalism. 

With an intense passion for teaching and mentoring medical students and junior medical staff, Dr Urie’s immense dedication to improving equity of access to services in rural communities, especially Bairnsdale, has been his driving force.

“I am delighted to receive this award. It allows me to reflect on my vibrant career as a long serving rural generalist,” Dr Urie says.

With extensive skills in obstetrics, anaesthetics and all aspects of general practice, Dr Urie believes the key to rural generalism is encompassing the adaptable and unique set of skills suited to your community.

Before settling in Bairnsdale at his rural general practice more than 39 years ago, he consolidated his remote medicine skills working   abroad in an Indian hospital for refugees. 

When not upskilling in medicine or working at his general practice, Dr Urie takes a specific interest in cross country skiing and gardening, as well as spending time with his family.

Dr Urie talks of his experience at the College, how far he has come and the future.

“I have always been a strong supporter of the College, as I believe it represents the significant benefits of rural practice and its unique challenges.

“I have great memories of training rural doctors through ACRRM, and it is a joy to see them continue to flourish in their practice.”

The Board of the local hospital, Bairnsdale Regional Health Services, recently recognised his contribution to the community and the hospital by presenting him with a Life Governor Award. 

Dr Urie was also awarded Victorian Rural Doctors Award for Outstanding Contributions to Rural Community.   

Dr Urie was presented with his ACRRM Honorary Fellowship Award at the Rural Medicine Australia Conference on Friday 14 October.  



For more information, please contact:

ACRRM: Communications manager Petrina Smith at p.smith@acrrm.org.au, 0414 820 847