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Are you frustrated with the quality of the information that is stored in medical records in your practice management system? Could you improve your reporting and monitoring of practice improvements if everyone coded their information in the same way? Is the efficient transfer of information to support transfer of care impacted by a lack of standardisation?

The College is running a survey to assess how key pieces of health information are stored in your practice records and the impact created from enforcing coding to achieve quality data.

The information you provide will be shared with the federally-funded CSIRO Primary Care Data Quality project.

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Are you frustrated with the quality of the information that is stored in medical records in your practice management system? Could you improve your reporting and monitoring of practice improvements if everyone coded their information in the same way? Is the efficient transfer of information to support transfer of care impacted by a lack of standardisation?

The College is running a survey to assess how key pieces of health information are stored in your practice records and the impact created from enforcing coding to achieve quality data.

The information you provide will be shared with the federally-funded CSIRO Primary Care Data Quality project.