Highlight news

As part of the Close the Gap refresh, an historic Partnership Agreement has been made between the Commonwealth and jurisdictional governments and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Bodies to share decision-making going forward on all work toward Close the Gap. 

The College is a member of the Close the Gap Steering Committee and sees this as a transformative step, giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people their rightful place in decision-making on design, implementation principle and monitoring of the national efforts. 

  • Further information on the Coalition of Peaks is available here
  • The Partnership Agreement can be read in full here.

You may also wish to connect with the initiative by signing up to the mailing list on their website.

All news

As part of the Close the Gap refresh, an historic Partnership Agreement has been made between the Commonwealth and jurisdictional governments and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Bodies to share decision-making going forward on all work toward Close the Gap. 

The College is a member of the Close the Gap Steering Committee and sees this as a transformative step, giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people their rightful place in decision-making on design, implementation principle and monitoring of the national efforts. 

  • Further information on the Coalition of Peaks is available here
  • The Partnership Agreement can be read in full here.

You may also wish to connect with the initiative by signing up to the mailing list on their website.