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Applications for round one of the 2020 intake of the Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS) are currently open and close Friday 12 July 2019. RVTS offers doctors working in remote and rural locations with alternative pathway to Fellowship training with ACRRM.

CEO Pat Giddings said the curriculum is delivered via distance education and registrars are supervised remotely.

“The program specifically targets doctors working in rural and remote communities and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services across Australia” he said.

“Registrars stay in their community throughout their training and are linked into a nationwide network of medical educators, supervisors and fellow registrars.

“There are significant benefits to the doctors, who get to stay in the one place while they do their training, while the community also reaps the benefit from having a skilled doctor in areas where traditionally it might be hard to retain or attract doctors.”

Thirty-two positions are available nationally for training commencing February 2020.

RVTS is fully funded by the Australian Government. Applications for round 1 of the 2020 intake close on Friday 12 July 2019.

Further information and complete eligibility criteria is available on their website or by calling (02) 6057 3400.

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Applications for round one of the 2020 intake of the Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS) are currently open and close Friday 12 July 2019. RVTS offers doctors working in remote and rural locations with alternative pathway to Fellowship training with ACRRM.

CEO Pat Giddings said the curriculum is delivered via distance education and registrars are supervised remotely.

“The program specifically targets doctors working in rural and remote communities and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services across Australia” he said.

“Registrars stay in their community throughout their training and are linked into a nationwide network of medical educators, supervisors and fellow registrars.

“There are significant benefits to the doctors, who get to stay in the one place while they do their training, while the community also reaps the benefit from having a skilled doctor in areas where traditionally it might be hard to retain or attract doctors.”

Thirty-two positions are available nationally for training commencing February 2020.

RVTS is fully funded by the Australian Government. Applications for round 1 of the 2020 intake close on Friday 12 July 2019.

Further information and complete eligibility criteria is available on their website or by calling (02) 6057 3400.