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The Department of Health and Human Services is developing five core capability frameworks for:

  • critical and intensive care
  • anaesthetics
  • medical imaging & nuclear medicine
  • pharmacy & medicines management
  • pathology

In line with the Statewide Plan and the recommendations of Targeting zero: report of the review of hospital safety and quality assurance in Victoria.

The consultation period for the draft core capability frameworks closes on 11 November 2019

You are welcome to provide feedback. All five frameworks, as well as an introductory document and online survey form, is available here.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss further, pleased email: system.design@dhhs.vic.gov.au

Following the consultation period, the capability frameworks will be finalised and released to health services in 2020. More details on the implementation process will be available when the capability frameworks are finalised.

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The Department of Health and Human Services is developing five core capability frameworks for:

  • critical and intensive care
  • anaesthetics
  • medical imaging & nuclear medicine
  • pharmacy & medicines management
  • pathology

In line with the Statewide Plan and the recommendations of Targeting zero: report of the review of hospital safety and quality assurance in Victoria.

The consultation period for the draft core capability frameworks closes on 11 November 2019

You are welcome to provide feedback. All five frameworks, as well as an introductory document and online survey form, is available here.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss further, pleased email: system.design@dhhs.vic.gov.au

Following the consultation period, the capability frameworks will be finalised and released to health services in 2020. More details on the implementation process will be available when the capability frameworks are finalised.