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We are pleased to announce our latest member benefit, coming to all members December 2019. Connect@ACRRM is an online community connecting rural generalists across the country.

As a College training and supporting Rural Generalists, we know the importance of sharing information and networking with peers. Through growing attendance at our events and conference, and increasing engagement with our online platforms, we recognise members find networking and education are vital to becoming Rural Generalists who provide excellent health care to local communities.

In response, the College has built an engaging new platform for those critical connections. We are excited to share with you our newest member benefit: Connect@ACRRM.

Launching December 2019, Connect@ACRRM is an online community that will engage members at all stages of their careers.  This community will become the go-to place to network, share insights and experience, and gain knowledge from colleagues who are connected through a commitment to providing rural and remote communities with excellent health care.

This is an exciting time for Rural Generalists. The Government’s commitment to a National Rural Generalist Pathway and the Stronger Rural Health Strategy are in line with our vision of having the right doctors, in the right places, with the right skills, providing rural and remote people with excellent health care.

Connect@ACRRM represents an opportunity to bring us together. The benefits of this online community are endless and get richer as more members engage and join in on the discussions.

The College will provide information and instruction to members on how to engage with Connect@ACRRM in the coming weeks.

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We are pleased to announce our latest member benefit, coming to all members December 2019. Connect@ACRRM is an online community connecting rural generalists across the country.

As a College training and supporting Rural Generalists, we know the importance of sharing information and networking with peers. Through growing attendance at our events and conference, and increasing engagement with our online platforms, we recognise members find networking and education are vital to becoming Rural Generalists who provide excellent health care to local communities.

In response, the College has built an engaging new platform for those critical connections. We are excited to share with you our newest member benefit: Connect@ACRRM.

Launching December 2019, Connect@ACRRM is an online community that will engage members at all stages of their careers.  This community will become the go-to place to network, share insights and experience, and gain knowledge from colleagues who are connected through a commitment to providing rural and remote communities with excellent health care.

This is an exciting time for Rural Generalists. The Government’s commitment to a National Rural Generalist Pathway and the Stronger Rural Health Strategy are in line with our vision of having the right doctors, in the right places, with the right skills, providing rural and remote people with excellent health care.

Connect@ACRRM represents an opportunity to bring us together. The benefits of this online community are endless and get richer as more members engage and join in on the discussions.

The College will provide information and instruction to members on how to engage with Connect@ACRRM in the coming weeks.