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ACRRM has provided a detailed submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The College submission covered a range of issues including the responses that were effective, and suggestions for improvements where these are required.  Consideration was also given to the policy initiatives which should be retained in some form into the future and the longer-term implications for the rural health workforce recruitment, training and retention.
Recommendations were made in areas including:
  • Improved coordination, consistency and communication between Federal Government and state/territories
  • Enhanced disaster response preparedness including the formal involvement of rural and remote GPs/RGs at the Commonwealth, state/territory and local levels
  • Improvements to the supply and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment and other essential supplies
  • Permanent MBS rebates for primary care telehealth consultations within a policy context that supports ongoing high-quality continuity of care for rural and remote communities and the sustainability of rural and remote services and practices
  • An urgent review of the short and longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural and remote training and workforce more broadly
  • Prioritise funding and other support for all components of the National Rural Generalist Pathway to secure a sustainable and skilled workforce which is well equipped to plan for, and respond to, future pandemics and natural disasters

Due to parliamentary protocols, the College is unable to publish the full submission at this time, but members will be notified when the submission is released for wider circulation. More information about the Senate Select Committee is available here. The committee is to present its final report on or before 30 June 2022.


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ACRRM has provided a detailed submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry into the Australian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The College submission covered a range of issues including the responses that were effective, and suggestions for improvements where these are required.  Consideration was also given to the policy initiatives which should be retained in some form into the future and the longer-term implications for the rural health workforce recruitment, training and retention.
Recommendations were made in areas including:
  • Improved coordination, consistency and communication between Federal Government and state/territories
  • Enhanced disaster response preparedness including the formal involvement of rural and remote GPs/RGs at the Commonwealth, state/territory and local levels
  • Improvements to the supply and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment and other essential supplies
  • Permanent MBS rebates for primary care telehealth consultations within a policy context that supports ongoing high-quality continuity of care for rural and remote communities and the sustainability of rural and remote services and practices
  • An urgent review of the short and longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural and remote training and workforce more broadly
  • Prioritise funding and other support for all components of the National Rural Generalist Pathway to secure a sustainable and skilled workforce which is well equipped to plan for, and respond to, future pandemics and natural disasters

Due to parliamentary protocols, the College is unable to publish the full submission at this time, but members will be notified when the submission is released for wider circulation. More information about the Senate Select Committee is available here. The committee is to present its final report on or before 30 June 2022.