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In April this year, the Department communicated temporary changes to requirements around provider numbers and programs, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

When designing the temporary measures the key considerations were promoting a safe, quality health workforce; removing barriers and administrative obligations; and maintaining continuity of services to the community. The measures established automatic extensions for workforce and training program (3GA) placements and section 19AB exemptions and meant:

  • Most 3GA participants were not required to meet usual program requirements or exit 3GA programs in acknowledgement that education and/or College exams had been postponed. 3GA participants reaching the program maximum timeframe were reviewed to ensure an extension was appropriate.
  • International Medical Graduates (IMGs) subject to section 19AB location restrictions with expiring exemptions were provided with an automatic extension.
  • Approved Medical Deputising Services (AMDSs) were provided extensions to expiring deeds of agreement in acknowledgement that accreditation site visits were not being undertaken by accrediting bodies.

While COVID-19 is still with us, many of the reasons for these temporary changes have been removed – Fellowship exams have re-commenced, courses such as the Advanced Life Support are being run, and the need to support doctors to stay where they are has become less of an issue as movement restrictions become less. We are also advised that the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has confirmed that site accreditation visits can re-commence (although noting there will need to be lead-time for planning etc).  

This update is to confirm that the majority of temporary changes will cease from 31 October 2020 and no further automatic extensions to program placements will be undertaken. As of this date, the majority of program requirements are back in place, including:

  • Normal 3GA program time limits apply (as per that program’s Guidelines)
  • The onus on doctors to apply for program extensions, with supporting documentation, as outlined under each program
  • Enrolment in and sitting Fellowship exams to achieve Fellowship of the relevant College.

What happens if I still need an extension due to COVID-19 related circumstances?

While any automatic extensions will cease, the Department will still consider extensions on a case by case basis considering the effects of COVID-19 on an individual doctor’s circumstances. Doctors are required to undertake the usual application process, but should include a letter to outline the special circumstances they consider to be relevant, and what extension or consideration is being requested. Evidence to support the circumstances being claimed should be supplied. The Department will consider each request and provide confirmation of the outcome.  

Why stop the automatic extensions now?

While there are some ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19 and some issues remain regarding the movement of doctors during border lockdowns, these are now isolated to a small number of locations. As section 19AB location restrictions are designed to direct IMGs to the areas that most need them, the  current program adjustments are delaying these doctors being subject to usual program rules in areas that are not currently in lockdown or adversely affected by COVID-19 infections at this time.

Given there are still some issues in some locations for 3GA placements and 19AB exemptions, the Department will cease automatic extensions and instead assess extensions on a case by case basis from 1 November 2020, where a doctor requests us to do so.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care have advised that site visits for accreditation purposes can recommence from 26 October 2020. However, the Commission does indicate that, due to lead time for planning and preparation, general practices will have extensions to their current certificate expiration date. The Commission’s announcement can be found here.

The Department has asked both AGPAL and QPA to keep them up to date with scheduling of accreditation visits for AMDS service providers, however it is the responsibility of each AMDS to actively manage re-accreditation visits with their selected accreditation organisation.   

As a result, the 6-month extension of AMDS Deeds will continue until such time as these visits can be scheduled. As is currently the case, the Department will confirm an extension to the Deed in writing. New AMDS service providers can now seek to join the AMDS Program, with the standard requirements re: 12 months as an MDS and normal accreditation back in place.

For individual doctors on the AMDS program, the requirement to undertake ALS courses is now back in place, as we are advised that these courses have resumed. As for all other programs, AMDS program time limits are now back in place. Individual doctors can apply for extensions, as outlined above.

Next steps

Any placement already extended will remain in place until the amended expiry date.

For any placement that has already been extended and/or is expiring after 31 October, doctors should follow usual application processes for 3GA placements and 19AB exemptions. Except in limited circumstances, usual program rules will now apply. This means that doctors that would usually be required to leave a 3GA program, meet certain conditions to stay on a 3GA program, or work in a Distribution Priority Area/District of Workforce Shortage, will be expected to do so. If a doctor is seeking to be excused from these requirements due to unavoidable circumstances related to COVID-19 (e.g. inability to move across borders) they will need to provide an explanation, and any available evidence to support this, with their application.

Any questions on these changes should be sent to 19AB@health.gov.au

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In April this year, the Department communicated temporary changes to requirements around provider numbers and programs, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

When designing the temporary measures the key considerations were promoting a safe, quality health workforce; removing barriers and administrative obligations; and maintaining continuity of services to the community. The measures established automatic extensions for workforce and training program (3GA) placements and section 19AB exemptions and meant:

  • Most 3GA participants were not required to meet usual program requirements or exit 3GA programs in acknowledgement that education and/or College exams had been postponed. 3GA participants reaching the program maximum timeframe were reviewed to ensure an extension was appropriate.
  • International Medical Graduates (IMGs) subject to section 19AB location restrictions with expiring exemptions were provided with an automatic extension.
  • Approved Medical Deputising Services (AMDSs) were provided extensions to expiring deeds of agreement in acknowledgement that accreditation site visits were not being undertaken by accrediting bodies.

While COVID-19 is still with us, many of the reasons for these temporary changes have been removed – Fellowship exams have re-commenced, courses such as the Advanced Life Support are being run, and the need to support doctors to stay where they are has become less of an issue as movement restrictions become less. We are also advised that the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has confirmed that site accreditation visits can re-commence (although noting there will need to be lead-time for planning etc).  

This update is to confirm that the majority of temporary changes will cease from 31 October 2020 and no further automatic extensions to program placements will be undertaken. As of this date, the majority of program requirements are back in place, including:

  • Normal 3GA program time limits apply (as per that program’s Guidelines)
  • The onus on doctors to apply for program extensions, with supporting documentation, as outlined under each program
  • Enrolment in and sitting Fellowship exams to achieve Fellowship of the relevant College.

What happens if I still need an extension due to COVID-19 related circumstances?

While any automatic extensions will cease, the Department will still consider extensions on a case by case basis considering the effects of COVID-19 on an individual doctor’s circumstances. Doctors are required to undertake the usual application process, but should include a letter to outline the special circumstances they consider to be relevant, and what extension or consideration is being requested. Evidence to support the circumstances being claimed should be supplied. The Department will consider each request and provide confirmation of the outcome.  

Why stop the automatic extensions now?

While there are some ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19 and some issues remain regarding the movement of doctors during border lockdowns, these are now isolated to a small number of locations. As section 19AB location restrictions are designed to direct IMGs to the areas that most need them, the  current program adjustments are delaying these doctors being subject to usual program rules in areas that are not currently in lockdown or adversely affected by COVID-19 infections at this time.

Given there are still some issues in some locations for 3GA placements and 19AB exemptions, the Department will cease automatic extensions and instead assess extensions on a case by case basis from 1 November 2020, where a doctor requests us to do so.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care have advised that site visits for accreditation purposes can recommence from 26 October 2020. However, the Commission does indicate that, due to lead time for planning and preparation, general practices will have extensions to their current certificate expiration date. The Commission’s announcement can be found here.

The Department has asked both AGPAL and QPA to keep them up to date with scheduling of accreditation visits for AMDS service providers, however it is the responsibility of each AMDS to actively manage re-accreditation visits with their selected accreditation organisation.   

As a result, the 6-month extension of AMDS Deeds will continue until such time as these visits can be scheduled. As is currently the case, the Department will confirm an extension to the Deed in writing. New AMDS service providers can now seek to join the AMDS Program, with the standard requirements re: 12 months as an MDS and normal accreditation back in place.

For individual doctors on the AMDS program, the requirement to undertake ALS courses is now back in place, as we are advised that these courses have resumed. As for all other programs, AMDS program time limits are now back in place. Individual doctors can apply for extensions, as outlined above.

Next steps

Any placement already extended will remain in place until the amended expiry date.

For any placement that has already been extended and/or is expiring after 31 October, doctors should follow usual application processes for 3GA placements and 19AB exemptions. Except in limited circumstances, usual program rules will now apply. This means that doctors that would usually be required to leave a 3GA program, meet certain conditions to stay on a 3GA program, or work in a Distribution Priority Area/District of Workforce Shortage, will be expected to do so. If a doctor is seeking to be excused from these requirements due to unavoidable circumstances related to COVID-19 (e.g. inability to move across borders) they will need to provide an explanation, and any available evidence to support this, with their application.

Any questions on these changes should be sent to 19AB@health.gov.au