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The College is seeking a representative to join the Management Team of the Rural and Remote Health Journal. The role of the management committee is to consider how to increase the readership, reach and financial sustainability of the journal. It is well supported by the Journal’s editorial team.

This is a voluntary position which would appeal to a Fellow who has an interest and experience in research. 

Meetings last for approximately an hour and are held monthly, usually on Wednesday afternoons. Some preparation (no more than 30 mins) may be required prior to each meeting.

Please contact j.johnson@acrrm.org.au as soon as possible if you are interested. A short outline of relevant experience would be useful.

The College appreciates the support of members in taking on these roles on our behalf.

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The College is seeking a representative to join the Management Team of the Rural and Remote Health Journal. The role of the management committee is to consider how to increase the readership, reach and financial sustainability of the journal. It is well supported by the Journal’s editorial team.

This is a voluntary position which would appeal to a Fellow who has an interest and experience in research. 

Meetings last for approximately an hour and are held monthly, usually on Wednesday afternoons. Some preparation (no more than 30 mins) may be required prior to each meeting.

Please contact j.johnson@acrrm.org.au as soon as possible if you are interested. A short outline of relevant experience would be useful.

The College appreciates the support of members in taking on these roles on our behalf.