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The Australian Digital Health Agency has announced, on behalf of the Department of Health, a further extension to the subsidy applied to the sending of electronic prescription tokens by SMS. The SMS subsidy will remain in place until 30 June 2022. 

It should be noted that SMS costs are specific to the provision of electronic prescription tokens to patients on their mobile phone. Alternatives exist for prescribers and dispensers to send electronic prescriptions to patients via email or through mobile applications that do not incur these SMS costs. Now that the Active Script List is expanding in its availability to consumers across Australia, more health professionals and consumers will also be able to use this token management solution that will not incur the SMS charges. Innovations across the digital landscape will offer other alternatives as more digital health initiatives become a reality over time.

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The Australian Digital Health Agency has announced, on behalf of the Department of Health, a further extension to the subsidy applied to the sending of electronic prescription tokens by SMS. The SMS subsidy will remain in place until 30 June 2022. 

It should be noted that SMS costs are specific to the provision of electronic prescription tokens to patients on their mobile phone. Alternatives exist for prescribers and dispensers to send electronic prescriptions to patients via email or through mobile applications that do not incur these SMS costs. Now that the Active Script List is expanding in its availability to consumers across Australia, more health professionals and consumers will also be able to use this token management solution that will not incur the SMS charges. Innovations across the digital landscape will offer other alternatives as more digital health initiatives become a reality over time.