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Following the increases in Pfizer supply, the National COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce has fast-tracked the remaining eligible and interested general practices to the Pfizer vaccine.

Approximately 1,500 practices have been invited to commence in Week 30 (13 September), and a further 1,500 have been invited to commence in Week 31 (20 September).

All existing Pfizer practices and the additional 3,000 fast-tracked practices will now receive an ongoing allocation of 600 doses per fortnight (for both first and second doses).

If you would like to receive a Pfizer allocation, please reach out to your PHN who will pass your interest on to the Taskforce. The Taskforce will continue to map vaccine supply and demand, to identify any further opportunities to increase Pfizer dose allocation. 

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Following the increases in Pfizer supply, the National COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce has fast-tracked the remaining eligible and interested general practices to the Pfizer vaccine.

Approximately 1,500 practices have been invited to commence in Week 30 (13 September), and a further 1,500 have been invited to commence in Week 31 (20 September).

All existing Pfizer practices and the additional 3,000 fast-tracked practices will now receive an ongoing allocation of 600 doses per fortnight (for both first and second doses).

If you would like to receive a Pfizer allocation, please reach out to your PHN who will pass your interest on to the Taskforce. The Taskforce will continue to map vaccine supply and demand, to identify any further opportunities to increase Pfizer dose allocation.