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With the broadening of vaccination eligibility criteria, there is an urgent need to vaccinate the remainder of the Australian population and facilitate booster shots in the future, via a robust online booking system for vaccine appointments. 

The Vaccine Clinic Finder is the only national portal for vaccine appointments, giving consumers the most choice when going online to make a vaccine booking. 

The Australian Government is supporting approved COVID-19 vaccine clinics to optimise their clinical and administrative workflows to meet consumer expectations of appointment availabilities. 

A seamless consumer experience in their digital journey - including visibility of available bookings in one place - makes it more convenient to make a vaccination booking and is a critical priority to enable Australia to achieve its vaccination targets. 

The need for the Vaccine Clinic Finder is ongoing - it will be an enduring foundation for national digital health infrastructure for managing COVID-19 and other vaccines in the longer term. 

Who is involved in the project? 

Healthdirect Australia is working with peak bodies including ACRRM, RACGP, AAPM, PSA and the Pharmacy Guild, the Department of Health, PHNs, the medical software industry and vaccine providers to strengthen the Vaccine Clinic Finder to maximise online vaccine bookings.  

The project is aiming for better integration into the digital health system of the future, with technology that has minimal impact on existing workflows, for greater business and patient advantages. 

What are the benefits for vaccine clinics? 

A digital booking system creates efficiencies, streamlining the administrative load on clinics and reducing customer phone calls.  

Clinics that are fully integrated with the Vaccine Clinic Finder make it easy for consumers to book an online appointment, maximising uptake of vaccination appointments. 

Currently users are choosing clinics where they can instantly see available appointments, giving clinics that are better integrated with the Vaccine Clinic Finder a competitive advantage. 

Vaccine Clinic Finder Connect 

The National COVID Vaccine Taskforce (the Taskforce) has listened to concerns about the time it has taken for clinics to have their details updated on the Vaccine Clinic Finder and has investigated options to enable clinics to update their details in a much shorter timeframe.   

Work has begun on a new capability called Vaccine Clinic Finder Connect. This will use PRODA account security to enable clinic details to be managed and updated to Vaccine Clinic Finder in a secure and authorised environment.  

Vaccine Clinic Finder Connect will provide an efficient means for clinics to self-manage and publish details about their services directly to the Vaccine Clinic Finder. It will help streamline the process and enable clinics to better inform the public about clinic vaccination services.   

A pilot of the new service commenced 18 October 2021, with a small group of clinics in South Australia.  

Learn more 

To learn more about how patients can see your vaccine appointment times online, register for the ACRRM webinar on Tuesday 9 November.

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With the broadening of vaccination eligibility criteria, there is an urgent need to vaccinate the remainder of the Australian population and facilitate booster shots in the future, via a robust online booking system for vaccine appointments. 

The Vaccine Clinic Finder is the only national portal for vaccine appointments, giving consumers the most choice when going online to make a vaccine booking. 

The Australian Government is supporting approved COVID-19 vaccine clinics to optimise their clinical and administrative workflows to meet consumer expectations of appointment availabilities. 

A seamless consumer experience in their digital journey - including visibility of available bookings in one place - makes it more convenient to make a vaccination booking and is a critical priority to enable Australia to achieve its vaccination targets. 

The need for the Vaccine Clinic Finder is ongoing - it will be an enduring foundation for national digital health infrastructure for managing COVID-19 and other vaccines in the longer term. 

Who is involved in the project? 

Healthdirect Australia is working with peak bodies including ACRRM, RACGP, AAPM, PSA and the Pharmacy Guild, the Department of Health, PHNs, the medical software industry and vaccine providers to strengthen the Vaccine Clinic Finder to maximise online vaccine bookings.  

The project is aiming for better integration into the digital health system of the future, with technology that has minimal impact on existing workflows, for greater business and patient advantages. 

What are the benefits for vaccine clinics? 

A digital booking system creates efficiencies, streamlining the administrative load on clinics and reducing customer phone calls.  

Clinics that are fully integrated with the Vaccine Clinic Finder make it easy for consumers to book an online appointment, maximising uptake of vaccination appointments. 

Currently users are choosing clinics where they can instantly see available appointments, giving clinics that are better integrated with the Vaccine Clinic Finder a competitive advantage. 

Vaccine Clinic Finder Connect 

The National COVID Vaccine Taskforce (the Taskforce) has listened to concerns about the time it has taken for clinics to have their details updated on the Vaccine Clinic Finder and has investigated options to enable clinics to update their details in a much shorter timeframe.   

Work has begun on a new capability called Vaccine Clinic Finder Connect. This will use PRODA account security to enable clinic details to be managed and updated to Vaccine Clinic Finder in a secure and authorised environment.  

Vaccine Clinic Finder Connect will provide an efficient means for clinics to self-manage and publish details about their services directly to the Vaccine Clinic Finder. It will help streamline the process and enable clinics to better inform the public about clinic vaccination services.   

A pilot of the new service commenced 18 October 2021, with a small group of clinics in South Australia.  

Learn more 

To learn more about how patients can see your vaccine appointment times online, register for the ACRRM webinar on Tuesday 9 November.