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ACRRM President Sarah Chalmers launched our second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at the Annual General Meeting held on October 27. She was joined by Board member Dr Danni Dries and College Council member Dr Regina Philip, both of whom are members of the College Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Members Group. 

This is our third RAP. It builds on the work that has been done under the guidance of the previous Plans and adds a number of new initiatives. While we are proud of our progress to date, we are aware that there is much more to do. 

The new RAP confirms our commitment to building Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in our profession of rural General Practice and Rural Generalism. It seeks to advance this by increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellows, supporting them into and on their journey to ACRRM Fellowship and throughout their future careers. 

The RAP provides a public statement which guides our reconciliation journey and strategic direction; signifies our commitment to fostering cultural competence within the staff; and commits to supporting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members. 

These are steps towards achieving the ultimate goa of achieving equity of access to high quality, culturally safe and appropriate health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia. 

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ACRRM President Sarah Chalmers launched our second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at the Annual General Meeting held on October 27. She was joined by Board member Dr Danni Dries and College Council member Dr Regina Philip, both of whom are members of the College Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Members Group. 

This is our third RAP. It builds on the work that has been done under the guidance of the previous Plans and adds a number of new initiatives. While we are proud of our progress to date, we are aware that there is much more to do. 

The new RAP confirms our commitment to building Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership in our profession of rural General Practice and Rural Generalism. It seeks to advance this by increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fellows, supporting them into and on their journey to ACRRM Fellowship and throughout their future careers. 

The RAP provides a public statement which guides our reconciliation journey and strategic direction; signifies our commitment to fostering cultural competence within the staff; and commits to supporting our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members. 

These are steps towards achieving the ultimate goa of achieving equity of access to high quality, culturally safe and appropriate health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia. 

Watch launch video

Download RAP