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President Dr Sarah Chalmers and immediate past President Dr Ewen McPhee today (November 4) joined their RDAA counterparts to give evidence at a hearing of the Senate Inquiry into the provision of General Practitioner and Related Primary Health Services to Outer Metropolitan, Rural, and Regional Australians

During their presentation, they stressed that immediate action is required to address professional, economic and workforce challenges that have built up over time and which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.   

They also discussed the need for longer-term reform; the importance of rural generalism; and the role of the College in training a fit-for-purpose rural workforce where 75 percent of our Fellows are still working rural 10 years post-Fellowship. 

They also answered a number of wide-ranging questions on topics including workforce and training issues, programs to provide positive rural exposure, the importance of healthcare in rural and remote communities, employment models and practitioner health and wellbeing. 

A copy of the full College submission is available here

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President Dr Sarah Chalmers and immediate past President Dr Ewen McPhee today (November 4) joined their RDAA counterparts to give evidence at a hearing of the Senate Inquiry into the provision of General Practitioner and Related Primary Health Services to Outer Metropolitan, Rural, and Regional Australians

During their presentation, they stressed that immediate action is required to address professional, economic and workforce challenges that have built up over time and which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.   

They also discussed the need for longer-term reform; the importance of rural generalism; and the role of the College in training a fit-for-purpose rural workforce where 75 percent of our Fellows are still working rural 10 years post-Fellowship. 

They also answered a number of wide-ranging questions on topics including workforce and training issues, programs to provide positive rural exposure, the importance of healthcare in rural and remote communities, employment models and practitioner health and wellbeing. 

A copy of the full College submission is available here